Cybertrax 2.1 Client (data dictionary)

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(Estimated Pick up date)
(Estimated Delivery date)
Line 52: Line 52:
==== Estimated Delivery date====  
==== Estimated Delivery date====  
see [[#Estimated_Delivery_Date]]
see [[#Estimated Delivery date]]
==== Actual Delivery date====  
==== Actual Delivery date====  

Revision as of 15:36, 8 July 2010


CT fields

PO Issued by

NEW FIELD! a.k.a. CT#PO_Issued_by

Pick up Location

a.k.a. CT#Export_Pick_Up

  • Meaning: This is the location of where the goods are actually located and shipping from.
  • Standard Long Label: Export Pick Up
  • Standard Short Label: Exp Pick Up
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: This field contains Company-City-Note
  • Min/max: [TBD]
  • Possible Values: [TBD]
  • Widget: searchbox
  • Default value:
    • Internal: blank
    • Shipper: "Copy from Shipper:" is checked (Yes) and "Pick up Location" is filled from "Shipper"
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: all
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper unless Cybertrax_2.1_Client_(requirements)#What_CTs_Shipper_may_edit_RULE is true
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Ship to Location

a.k.a. CT#Delivery To

  • Meaning: This is the location of where the goods are shipping to.
  • Standard Long Label: Delivery To
  • Standard Short Label: Delivery To
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: This field contains Company-City-Note
  • Min/max: [TBD]
  • Possible Values: [TBD]
  • Widget: searchbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y (NOTE: Ship To location from portal should map to Delivery To(T5) on Internal App as well as and Consignee (T2) field on the Internal App)
  • User Read Access: all
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper unless Cybertrax_2.1_Client_(requirements)#What_CTs_Shipper_may_edit_RULE is true
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Pick up Instructions

a.k.a. CT#Pick Up Comments

Commodity Description

a.k.a. CT#Commodity Description

Cargo Available

a.k.a. CT#Cargo_available

Fields that Shipper can not edit


a.k.a. CT#Shipper

  • Meaning: This is the company's name & address of who is placing the shipping request. This company name and address can also be the pick up location.
  • Gen Tab > 2. Shipper (T1):
  • Standard Long Label: Shipper
  • Standard Short Label: Shipper
  • Format/type: list of values, Datatypes#alphanumeric
  • Min/max:
  • Possible Values:
  • Widget: listbox
  • Default value:
    • Internal: blank
    • Shipper: Shipper(T1)" from "Shipper profile" - Enable Shipper/Supplier Role
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: all
  • User Write Access: internal
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Pick Up Trucker

see CT#Pick Up Trucker

Delivery Trucker

see CT#Delivery Trucker

Estimated Pick up date

see CT#Estimated_Pick_Up_Date

Actual Pick up date

see CT#Actual Pick Up Date

Estimated Delivery date

see #Estimated Delivery date

Actual Delivery date

see #Actual_Delivery_Date

Last Update

a.k.a. Ct#Operator_Of_Last_Change

  • DB: tblGenericShipment.LastModifiedUserId
  • Meaning: TBD
  • Standard Long Label: Operator of Last Change
  • Standard Short Label: Last update by
  • Format/type: read-only Textarea
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textarea
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, shipper, planner
  • User Write Access: read-only field
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Last Update date time

NEW FIELD a.k.a. CT#Last Modified DateTime

  • Meaning: This is string representation of datetime stamp (with Time Zone) of CT's update.
  • Standard Long Label: Last Modified DateTime
  • Standard Short Label: Last Update On
  • Format/type: textlabel, Datatypes#alphanumeric
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: Jun 24, 2010 7:18:59 AM (EST)
  • Widget: textlabel
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: system (read-only field)
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Field related to Planners

CT Authorization status

NEW FIELD! a.k.a. CT#CT_Authorization_status

  • Meaning: It allows a planner to set a status (approve, reject, or hold) to any shipments created by a supplier.
  • Standard Long Label: CT Authorization Status
  • Standard Short Label: Authorization Status
  • Format/type: Listbox with option to choose one of three choices
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: Approve, Reject, Hold
  • Widget: listbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N/A
    • Shipper: N/A
    • Planner: N unless they want to set the authorization status (Approve, Reject, Hold)
  • User Read Access: client, shipper, planner, and Internal only if the status is approved
  • User Write Access: planner
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck-Domestic only

Approved For Date

NEW FIELD! a.k.a CT#Approved_For_Date

"Approved for" date feature acts as a ‘hold to ship date’ – meaning hold until (IE 05/24/10) before scheduling the pick up.

  • Meaning: It allows a planner to place a shipment on hold until a particular date. System will automatically approve on the date selected at 12:01 AM. This field can be updated anytime until 3 days before the date selected
  • Standard Long Label: Approved For Delivery By
  • Standard Short Label: Approved For Delivery By
  • Format/type: Datebox with a clear button
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: datebox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N/A
    • Shipper: N/A
    • Planner: N unless they want to set the authorization status to Hold with Date
  • User Read Access: shipper, planner, and client and Internal will only see when system automatically approves on the date selected by planner.
  • User Write Access: planner
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck-Domestic only

Approved By

a.k.a. CT#Authorized By

  • Meaning: TBD
  • Standard Long Label: Authorized By
  • Standard Short Label: Auth By
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: TBD
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: TBD
  • Default value: TBD
  • Required field? Y for approved shipment
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, and Internal
  • User Write Access: Internal, and for planner the system automatically pulls current planner's name who approved the shipment
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Approved On

a.k.a. CT#Authorized On

(with name of person who approved, including the date & time)

  • Meaning: Shipment was approved for transportation by whom and when.
  • Standard Long Label: Authorization Date
  • Standard Short Label: Auth Date
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Read only Textarea
  • Min/max: [TBD]
  • Possible Values: [TBD]
  • Widget: datebox
  • Default value: Read only - First and last name of the approval user(planner) and date timestamps with (EST) calculated time zone.
  • Required field? Y - when status is approved
  • User Read Access: client, shipper
  • User Write Access: internal, planner
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Authorization Comment

NEW FIELD! a.k.a. CT#Authorization_Comment

Reason for placing a shipment on hold or rejecting a shipment.

  • Meaning: It allows a planner to note to the supplier why they are holding or rejecting a shipment.
  • Standard Long Label: Authorization Comment
  • Standard Short Label: Auth. Comment
  • Format/type: Textarea
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textarea
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field? N
  • User Read Access: shipper, planner
  • User Write Access: planner
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck-Domestic only
  • Addition Info: It is a field on a shipment record that records status, reason, by whom and when. Last updated info will be on the top.


Commodity fields


a.k.a. Commodity#PO

  • Meaning: This is the purchase order number for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: PO #
  • Standard Short Label: PO #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, shipper, planner, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


a.k.a. Commodity#SKU

  • Meaning: This is the sku number of the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Sku #
  • Standard Short Label: Sku #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


a.k.a. Commodity#Qty

  • Meaning: These are the actual number of pieces for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Quantity
  • Standard Short Label: Qty #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Positive Integer
  • Min/max: from 0 to 9999999999 digits
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: 0
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: value must be > 0
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Item Description

a.k.a. Commodity#Description

  • Meaning: This is the description of the PO and SKU that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Commodity Line 1
  • Standard Short Label: Com Ln1
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 60 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • internal: N
    • shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Number of Plts

a.k.a. Commodity#Plts

Pkgs on Plts

a.k.a. Commodity#Pkgs On Plts

Loose Pkgs

a.k.a. Commodity#Loose Pkgs


a.k.a. Commodity#Gross Lb

GW Unit
  • Meaning: This is the gross weight unit of measurement
  • Standard Long Label: none
  • Standard Short Label:none
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: dropdown Lb/Kg
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: List
  • Default value: If MOT is Dom Truck then default to Lb else Kg
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


a.k.a. Commodity#Hazardous Yes No

  • Meaning: This is to advise if the product shipping is hazardous or not.
  • Standard Long Label: Hazardous Yes No
  • Standard Short Label: Haz Y N
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Listbox option [Yes][No]
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: Yes, No
  • Widget: radiogroup or listbox
  • Default value: No
  • Required field?
    • Internal: Y
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Dom for Client 2.1 phase 1. Later we might add for other MOTs


NEW FIELD! a.k.a. Commodity#Stackable

Piece price

NEW FIELD! a.k.a. Commodity#Piece_price

  • Meaning: This is the unit price of each piece piece shipping for a PO/SKU.
  • Standard Long Label: Piece price
  • Standard Short Label: Price
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: 4 decimal point Decimal, Currency - USD
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: 0.00
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, planner, shipper
  • User Write Access: shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Domestic

Total Value

NEW FIELD! a.k.a. Commodity#Total_Value

  • Meaning: This is the total value of the unit piece price multiplied by the quantity of each PO/SKU that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Total Value
  • Standard Short Label: Ttl Val
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: No Decimal point ; round number up for greater or equal 5 and down for less than 5 , Currency - USD
  • Min/max: TBD
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: internal, client, shipper, planner
  • User Write Access: no access, because this field is calculated.
  • Mode Of Transport: Truck Domestic
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