Delivery Trailer Report (BR)

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''This wiki section is managed by: [[Module Owner]]''
''This wiki section is managed by: [[Module Owner]]''
This report is for Elizabeth Arden's use.  It is to see how JFS maximizes or utilizes the amount of space inside of a trailer load based upon the total number of cubic meters for all of the shipments.
For Elizabeth Arden to run weekly and/or monthly reports for delivering trailer loads, that
JFS arranges, to see how JFS maximizes or utilizes the amout of space inside of a trailer.
There are certin criteria to determine this.
the amount of space inside of a trailer based upon cubic meters.
For Elizabeth Arden to run a report to see how Jaguar Freight is utilizing the
amount of space inside of a trailer based upon cubic meters.
For Elizabeth Arden to run a report to see how Jaguar Freight is utilizing the amount
of space inside of a trailer based upon cubic meters.
For Elizabeth Arden to run weekly and/or monthly reports on delivering trailer
loads arranged by JFS.
This report is for Elizabeth Arden's use.  It is to measure how JFS is utilizing the
amount of space inside of a delivery trailer based upon the total cubic meters for all
of the shipments inside. 
amount of cubic meters of the shipments loaded inside that trailer.
total cubic meters of shipments against the total cubic meters of the trailer.
amount of space inside of a trailer load based upon the total number of cubic meters for
all of the shipments.
This report is for Elizabeth Arden's use.  It is to measure how well JFS is utilizing the
actual amount of space inside of a trailer, based upon the number of shipments and how much
space they are taking up.
total amount of space that all of the shipments inside are taking up.

Revision as of 19:52, 4 June 2010

CBN: Core Business Need

This wiki section is managed by: Module Owner

BR: Business Requirements and Design Ideas

This wiki section is managed by: Business Analyst

1) What MOT should be supported?

  • For Truck-Domestic only.

2) What are Hard coded conditions?

3) What Filters are required?

4) Output Requirements

  • Spreadsheet only.

a) Types of output (xls, html, pdf, etc)

b) Columns(BR)

  • First 2 columns always show Delivery Trailer#XXXX and CT#YYYY.
  • Other columns not selected by default. See below list.
CT#	(text, not hyperlink)
date created	
date available	
pick up date	
delivery date
Cargo Due
Shipper (Shipper company name)	
-------------- (Pick up location information)
Pick up location company	
Tel #	
PO #	
Lose Ctns	
Gross Wt (LB) with LB Label
Consignee (Consignee company name)	
------------ (delivery location information)
Delivery to location company name	
Telephone #	
------------ Trucker info 
Trucker Name Pick Up Trucker
Trucker Name Delivery Trucker

c) One Tabs or many tabs? If more than one then what is the logic?

  • One tab

d) Define Sort Order

  • Sort by delivery trailer #; earliest delivery date on the top.

e) Schedule only? Generate only? Or both?

  • Need both

5) What is a typical use case?

a) Report will be run once a week on Monday's. Select MOT=Truck-Dom, Client=EA, for the Actual Deliveries from Monday to Friday for the previous weeks shipments.

b) Report will be run on the first day of every new month. Select MOT=Truck-Dom, Client=EA, for the Actual Deliveries for the entire previous months shipments.

6) Additional info

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