Shipment Request

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== BA ==
== BA ==
* need a new CT field:
* Need a PDF Document on docs tab
* Make this doc available for all MOTs

Current revision as of 18:38, 21 May 2010


[edit] Mantis


[edit] Business Needs and Requirements

  • Need new PDF document for all air & ocean shipments

[edit] Technical Specification

[edit] Summary

[edit] Template

[edit] Template Top Section

[edit] Template Bottom Section

[edit] Pdf

[edit] Header

[edit] Top Section

[edit] Bottom Section

[edit] Footer

[edit] Special case: Groups

[edit] Additional Figures

[edit] Figure X

[edit] History

[edit] m719

Mantis: 719

[edit] BA

  • Need a PDF Document on docs tab
  • Make this doc available for all MOTs
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