File Upload (Developer Guide)

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== System Design ==
== System Design ==
* В системе хранятся дополнительные файлы для каждого шипмента (СТ).
* The system stores additional files for every CT.
* Работа с дополнительными файлами происходит в самом СТ, которому эти файлы принадлежат:
* Operations with the additional files is performed in the certain CT, for which those files belong.
** для работы с файлами у каждого CT существует File Upload Center, который находится на закладке(Tab) "Files". See [[#Figure 1 : File Upload Center]].
** for operations with files every CT has a File Upload Center, which is situated at the tab "Files". See [[#Figure 1 : File Upload Center]].
** рядом с именем закладки в скобках указано количество файлов текущего CT. пример: Files (1)
** next to the tab name, a quantity of files of the current CT is showed in brackets. Example: Files (1)
** File Upload Center обеспечивает следующие '''операции''' с файлами:
** the File Upload Center provides the following operations with files:
*** '''1. загрузка (upload)''' файла в систему
*** '''1. upload''' of file into the system
**** перед загрузкой файла в систему обязательно задается его описание (Summary).
**** before uploading of a file, you should obligatory enter its Summary.
**** если описание не задано, система предупреждает пользователя об этом сообщением "''Summary field must not be empty. Please fill in a file summary to upload''".
**** if the Summary isn't entered, the system gives a warning for a user: "''Summary field must not be empty. Please fill in a file summary to upload''". After this, the system returns into a previous status and you could enter the Summary.
**** описание файла ограничивается 150 символами.
**** the length of the Summary is limited up to 150 characters.
**** если описание файла превышает 150 символов, система предупреждает пользователя об этом сообщением "''<нужно задать текст сообщения>''" (или ограничивает ввод в поле Summary 150 символами).
**** when a button "Upload" is pressed, the file will be uploaded.
**** загрузка (upload) файла происходит после нажатия кнопки "Upload".
**** the file for uploading can be selected in a modal window "File Upload". See [[#Figure 2 : File Upload Window]].
**** выбор файла для загрузки (upload) происходит в модальном окне "File Upload". See [[#Figure 2 : File Upload Window]].
**** a name length shouldn't exceed 150 characters.
**** длина имени файла не должна превышать 150 символов.
**** if the file isn't selected or the "Cancel" button is pressed, the "File Upload" window will be closed and the system will return a message "''Please select file for upload''".
**** если файл не выбран или нажата кнопка "Cancel", окно "File Upload" закрывается и система выдает сообщение "''Please select file for upload''".
**** when the file is uploaded, a flag of file visibility for a client in the client's application could be checked. It is set before the "Upload" button is pressed. After the file is uploaded, the flag of file visibility for a client could been changed in a table of uploaded files in a "Show to client" column.
**** при загрузке файла в систему может быть задан признак видимости файла клиенту в клиентском приложении. Он устанавливается до нажатия кнопки "Upload".
**** if the current CT is a group member, the file uploaded to the system could be "directed" to every of the rest CTs of the group. After this, the file uploaded should be reflected  in the tables of uploaded files of the corresponding CTs.
**** если текущий CT входит в группу, при загрузке в систему файл может быть "направлен" каждому из остальных CT из группы. после этого загруженный файл будет отображаться в таблицах загруженных файлов (Uploaded files) соответствующих CT.
**** after succesful file uploading the system returns a message "''File has been uploaded''" and shows the file in the table "Uploaded files".
**** после успешной загрузки файла система выдает сообщение "''File has been uploaded''" и отображает этот файл в таблице Uploaded files.
*** '''2. display''' of files list in the "Uploaded files" table.
*** '''2. отображение''' списка файлов в таблице Uploaded files
**** in the table, one row corresponds to every file.
**** в таблице каждому файлу соответствует одна строка
**** every row of the table consists of 3 columns: "File name", file description "Summary", and a flag of file visibility for a client "Show to client".
**** каждая строка таблицы содержит 3 столбца: имя файла "File name", описание файла "Summary", признак видимости файла клиенту "Show to client"
**** максимальное количество строк в таблице = 10
**** in the bottom of the table, two buttons are situated, for download and deleting of files from the table.
**** если количество файлов шипмента > 10, таблица разбивается на страницы по 10 файлов на каждой (paging feature)
*** '''3. download''' of a file from the system to a user's computer.
**** внизу таблицы находятся две кнопки для загрузки (download) и удаления файлов из таблицы
**** at the same time, only one file could been downloaded.
*** '''3. загрузка (download)''' файла из системы на компьютер пользователя
**** file downloading begins after pressing a button "Download selected".
**** загрузка (download) файла происходит после нажатия кнопки "Download selected"
**** the file to download should be selected (marked) in the "Uploaded files" table.
**** для загрузки (download) файл должен быть выбран (отмечен) в таблице Uploaded files
**** if the file isn't selected, download wouldn't be performed and a message "''File is not selected''" is returned for a user.
**** если файл не выбран, загрузка (download) не производится и пользователю выдается сообщение "''File is not selected''"
*** '''4. deleting''' of a file from the table "Uploaded files" in File Upload Center.
*** '''4. удаление''' файла из таблицы Uploaded files в File Upload Center
**** at the same time, only one file could been deleted.
**** удаление файла происходит после нажатия кнопки "Delete selected file"
**** file deleting would be performed after pressing a button "Delete selected file".
**** для загрузки удаления файл должен быть выбран (отмечен) в таблице Uploaded files
**** to delete a file, it should be selected in the "Uploaded files" table.
**** если файл не выбран, удаление файла не производится и пользователю выдается сообщение "''File is not selected''"
**** if the file isn't selected, deleting wouldn't been performed and a message "''File is not selected''" is returned for a user.
**** после успешного удаления файла он более не отображается в таблице Uploaded files
**** after successful deleting, a file wouldn't been reflected in the "Uploaded files" table.
== Figures ==
== Figures ==
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=== Figure 2 : File Upload Window ===
=== Figure 2 : File Upload Window ===
== History ==
See also [[File Upload Component]]. This was alternative description of this component created by Paul.

Current revision as of 20:08, 11 April 2010


[edit] Notes from Systems Architect

  • This section is defined by Systems Architect. It is written after #Business Requirements are defined.
  • The purpose of this section is to give direction to System Analysts who will write detailed specification.

[edit] System Design

  • The system stores additional files for every CT.
  • Operations with the additional files is performed in the certain CT, for which those files belong.
    • for operations with files every CT has a File Upload Center, which is situated at the tab "Files". See #Figure 1 : File Upload Center.
    • next to the tab name, a quantity of files of the current CT is showed in brackets. Example: Files (1)
    • the File Upload Center provides the following operations with files:
      • 1. upload of file into the system
        • before uploading of a file, you should obligatory enter its Summary.
        • if the Summary isn't entered, the system gives a warning for a user: "Summary field must not be empty. Please fill in a file summary to upload". After this, the system returns into a previous status and you could enter the Summary.
        • the length of the Summary is limited up to 150 characters.
        • when a button "Upload" is pressed, the file will be uploaded.
        • the file for uploading can be selected in a modal window "File Upload". See #Figure 2 : File Upload Window.
        • a name length shouldn't exceed 150 characters.
        • if the file isn't selected or the "Cancel" button is pressed, the "File Upload" window will be closed and the system will return a message "Please select file for upload".
        • when the file is uploaded, a flag of file visibility for a client in the client's application could be checked. It is set before the "Upload" button is pressed. After the file is uploaded, the flag of file visibility for a client could been changed in a table of uploaded files in a "Show to client" column.
        • if the current CT is a group member, the file uploaded to the system could be "directed" to every of the rest CTs of the group. After this, the file uploaded should be reflected in the tables of uploaded files of the corresponding CTs.
        • after succesful file uploading the system returns a message "File has been uploaded" and shows the file in the table "Uploaded files".
      • 2. display of files list in the "Uploaded files" table.
        • in the table, one row corresponds to every file.
        • every row of the table consists of 3 columns: "File name", file description "Summary", and a flag of file visibility for a client "Show to client".
        • in the bottom of the table, two buttons are situated, for download and deleting of files from the table.
      • 3. download of a file from the system to a user's computer.
        • at the same time, only one file could been downloaded.
        • file downloading begins after pressing a button "Download selected".
        • the file to download should be selected (marked) in the "Uploaded files" table.
        • if the file isn't selected, download wouldn't be performed and a message "File is not selected" is returned for a user.
      • 4. deleting of a file from the table "Uploaded files" in File Upload Center.
        • at the same time, only one file could been deleted.
        • file deleting would be performed after pressing a button "Delete selected file".
        • to delete a file, it should be selected in the "Uploaded files" table.
        • if the file isn't selected, deleting wouldn't been performed and a message "File is not selected" is returned for a user.
        • after successful deleting, a file wouldn't been reflected in the "Uploaded files" table.

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure 1 : File Upload Center


[edit] Figure 2 : File Upload Window


[edit] History

See also File Upload Component. This was alternative description of this component created by Paul.

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