Tira 2010

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Line 497: Line 497:
Daily hrs:9
Daily hrs:9
* 2 solving m2330 with Sasha and Paul and created m2331
* 2 m2336 fields for daily report needed. Review Denise VDO
* 4 continued reading Descartes, meeting with Alex, Help Denise
Daily hrs:8
==='''/13/Aug/Fri/8 '''===
* 8 Meeting about EA requirements, Meeting about the plan while Alex's on VC, Supports, Descartes
Daily hours:8
==='''/16/Aug/Mon/8 '''===
* 6 Discussed with Sasha about 2323 2326 2342, prepared a Super Planner feature info for the meeting, and project plan
* 2 continued learning Descartes
Daily hours: 8
==='''/17/Aug/Tue/11 '''===
* 1.5 Review the tasks, plans, and scheduled a phone call with Descartes
* 5 Meeting with Bill and Pat and Simon in EA Stamford
* 1 Discussion with Sasha
* 1 UAT for 2323 and 2326(still bug) on Staging
* 2.5 spec for SKU to planner (changes)
Daily hours: 11
==='''/18/Aug/Wed/9 '''===
* 2 Analysis the SKU to Planner spec
* 1 Discussed with Sasha (UAT) for task 2345 (new bug that needs to be included in the emergency release
* .5 Discussed with Paul about the vdo caption
* 5.5 Created a spec for double approval feature
Daily total: 9
==='''/19/Aug/Thu/10 '''===
* .5 Discussed, UAT, and Prepared for the release
* .5 Discussed with Sasha about m2115
* 9 Continued writing the updated SKU to Planner spec and designing the double approval feature
Daily hours: 10
==='''/20/Aug/Fri/8.5 '''===
* 1 Help Denise about notification HTML format (history), Discussed about TMS, Emergency release note m2323 m2326 m2342 m2345
* .5 Phone call with Descartes
* 7 Continued Sku to planner mapping with dynamic feature, Double approval process feature
Daily hours: 8.5
==='''/23/Aug/Mon/8 '''===
* 4.5 Double approval process feature Revision and send 3 specs to Bill and Pat (Simon)
* 2 Email Chad for project team contact, Discussed with Denise about TMS Data Dict.
* 1.5 TMS reading
Daily Total: 8
* 4 Discuss with Denise about the requirement from Tammy
* 1 Read TMS
* 6 Start spec and designs for Tammy's list for a proposal for her approval
Daily hours: 11
* 2 discuss with Denise
* 4.5 Discussed with Sasha about client app(Tammy's list) tasks
* 3 Finished writing spec and design for Tammy's list for first draft
* 1.5 Management review TMS Data Dictionary
Daily hours: 11
==='''/26/Aug/Thu/11.25 '''===
* 7 Updated wiki on released tasks
* 4.25 meeting with Simon, revise Tammy's proposal for some changes
Daily hours: 11.25
==='''/27/Aug/Fri/9 '''===
* 6 Updated wiki for released tasks
* .5 Revised Tammy proposal
* 2.5 TMS meeting
Daily hours:9
==='''/30/Aug/Mon/9.5 '''===
* 3 hrs wiki update and go through TMS questions
* 5.5 Meeting with Chad, Eric, Denise and Marc for TM
* 1 review the TMS discussion
Daily hours: 9.5
==='''/31/Aug/Tue/9 '''===
* 3 hrs Descartes meeting
* 3 management, CT 2 supports, UAT, discussed with Sasha
* 3 Meeting about TMS with Alex
Daily hours: 9
==='''/1/Sep/Wed/9 '''===
* 9 CT support, Discussion with Sasha and Andriy, TMS meeting with Alex and Denise
Daily hours: 9
==='''/2/Sep/Thur/9 '''===
* 2 CT2 discussion with Sasha
* 1 Webex with Chad
* 6 TMS meeting and set up carrier and tariff
Daily hours: 9
==='''/3/Sep/Fri/6 '''===
* 3 Work on Management
* 1 CT2 support
* 2 TMS schema
Daily hours:6
== Sep ==
* 9.5 UAT, Discussion with Sasha, Discussion with Denise
Daily hours: 9.5
* 11 UAT, phone call with Chad,discussion with Sasha and TMS
Daily hours: 11
* 10.5 UAT, discussion with Sasha, and TMS meeting with Team(1.5 hrs)
Daily hours: 10.5
* 8.5 UAT, demo SKU to Planner and double approval process feature to Marc Simon and Rob (1 hr), TMS
Daily hours: 8
* 4.5 Meeting with EA stamford
* 2 TMS
* 1 Tammy's list
* 2 PM
Daily hours: 9.5
* 8.5 Response to emails, demo Simon, Release note, testing carrier and client statistic reports, discussion with Denise.
Daily hours: 8.5
* 2 Discuss with Andrei regarding Client and Carrier statistics reports
* .5 Discuss with Andriy about our own messenger
* 8 Investigate missing shipments with Sasha, and PM
Daily hours: 10.5
* 9.5 Meeting with Descartes, PM, Discussed with Andrei about the carrier and client statistic reports, Discussed with Marc about feedback from EA Stamford and also new requirements.
Daily hours: 9.5
* 7 PM, Discussion with Sasha and Andrei, Web portal
* 2 Training Tracie
Daily hours: 9.5
==='''/24/Sep/Fri/8 '''===
* 5 Support, meeting with Descartes, Sku to planner imported, discussed with Sasha about the piece price auto-filling
* 3 Training Tracie, PM
Daily hours: 8
==='''/27/Sep/Mon/8 '''===
* 8 Meetings, PM, CT2 support, train Tracie
Daily hours: 8
==='''/28/Sep/Tue/9 '''===
* 9 PM, CT2 support, Investigating TDS.
Daily hours: 9
==='''/29/Sep/Wed/9 '''===
* 7 Meeting with Descartes and the TM team, PM, discussion with Roma, investigation the use cases
* 1 Meeting with Marc, Simon, Denise, Alex, and Rob regarding WebPortal vs TDS vs TM
* 1 Continue thinking about solution
Daily hours: 9
==='''/30/Sep/Thu/8 '''===
* 8 PM, discussion with Sasha , TM and Solution M2400 and M2394
Daily hours: 8
==='''/1/Oct/Fri/8 '''===
* 8 PM, discussion with Sasha and Andriy, and UAT
Daily hours: 8
== Oct ==
* 1.5 Meeting for TM user training
* 1.75 Meeting with Alex
* 5 PM, discussion, CT2 support, TMS management, gather requirement from Simon
Daily report: 8.15
* 0.5 Discussion with Kostya
* 2.25, meeting with Alex
* 3 research solution and discuss with Sasha
* 2.25 PM for sprint and for TMS, UAT, Wiki update
Daily hours: 8
* 1 Design Est hrs, Discussion with Alex, Discussion with Sasha about suspicious bugs
* 3 UAT
* 4 Wiki updates
Daily hours: 8
* .75 PM
* 4 Review and discuss with Denise about tasks 0002190(CT Tabs: Export) For MOT Ocean, add OHBL validation steps to export tab and record the same in the updates log
* 3 Review requirement for task  0002416: [Client Shipper/Planner ph3] Report based on number of records on Web Portal. Sent email to Simon for question re the requirement
* .25 UAT  0002309 Client [Client 2.1] Shipper/Planner :Bug: Sorting feature - should sort throughout all the shipments for all pages.
Daily hours: 8
==='''/8/Oct/Fri/Day off'''===
* Day off
* 5.75 UAT, Wiki updated
* 2.25 Meeting with Alex
* 2 Meeting with Alex
* 7 UAT, discussion, wiki
Daily hours: 9
* 7 Training
* 1 Investigation
Daily hrs:8
* 2.25 Meeting with Alex about PM
* 2.25 PM, Discussion with the team for Dev sprint
* 3.5  Investigated bugs
* 1 Started SA task
Daily hrs: 9
* 1 Created Dev Sprint(PM)
* 3 Continued investigating 2443
* .5 discussion with Sasha and Andriy
* 3 Discussed with Simon and gather a brief requirement: m2446, m2447, m2450 and presented Client view (tammy's list) to Simon
* .5 Help Denise investigating Client App
* 3 BA&SA for 2420, 1337, 2151, 2131
* 1 Gather more info and discuss with Sasha about 2443
* .5 Meeting with Alex Re 2416
* 0.5 UAT for 2400
* 3 Wiki updated 2376, 2312, 2309, and 2352
* .75 investigate NPA and thinking for solution for 2449
Daily hours: 8.75
* 0.75 Investigate TDS and NPA
* 0.5 Investigate Shipper case
* 0.5 Investigate Last Free Day
* 2 PM and discussion
* 2.25 Updated wikis
* Continued SA for m2246 and m2247
Total hours: 9.5
* 0.25 Wiki update 2322

Current revision as of 13:36, 20 October 2010


[edit] April

[edit] /19/April/Mon/8

Daily Total:8

[edit] /20/April/Tue/8

  • 2 // CT2 support
  • 2 // Update Specs
  • 2 // discussion with Alex
  • 2 // Start //0001954: Prestige/Medtech Report (requested by Joe/Sylvia)

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /21/April/Wed/8

  • 1 // Complete // Analysis 0001954: Prestige/Medtech Report (requested by Joe/Sylvia)
  • 0.25 // CT2 support // Show Sylvia how to create client company, non-jaguar user accounts, set schedule report
  • 0.5 // Investigate Jayshree queries (new request, escalate it to Alex, Alex forwarded it to Ihelp
  • 2.5 // start // Research options for https and Rss feeds
  • 0.5 // Discussion with Kostya, Sasha, and Rob about CyberTrax database. They created a new small database and delete user accounts and company address; still don't know why
  • 0.75 // Complete // Spec 00001956: (Comm Center) Jaguar CC list MUST be alphabetic order and grouped by offices
  • 1.5 // meeting with Alex
  • 0.5 // Manage computer to migrate to new PC
  • 0.5 // Communication with Sylvia regarding Joe's spreadsheet

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /22/April/Thurs/8

  • 1 // communication with Sasha
  • 1.5 // complete // Update spec: 0001915: (*NATP) Documents for Virtual Group (DO Truck for Virtual Group)
  • 0.5 // Manage Mantis
  • 2 // Learning // 0001959: (Workflows) Create wiki describing "SUPPLIER SHIPMENT SCORECARD - Jaguar / Jewel" worflow/Biz Process
  • 1 // Meeting with Alex, Simon, Miro, and Rob about Truck Optimization report
  • 2 // Start // Wiki 0001959: (Workflows) Create wiki describing "SUPPLIER SHIPMENT SCORECARD - Jaguar / Jewel" worflow/Biz Process

Daily Total:8

[edit] /23/April/Fri/7.5

  • 1 // complete // Wiki 0001959: (Workflows) Create wiki describing "SUPPLIER SHIPMENT SCORECARD - Jaguar / Jewel" worflow/Biz Process
  • 0.5 // CT2 Support Communication with Ihelp
  • 2 // Meeting with Alex about Trucking Optimization
  • 4 // Analysis Trucking Optimization by Zone

Daily Total:7.5

[edit] /26/April/Mon/8

  • 8 // Start // UI for 0001961: (*NATP2) create designs for Trucking Optimization

Daily Total:8

[edit] /27/April/Tue/8

  • 2 // Meeting with Alex
  • 2 // review and discuss NATP Docs with Sasha
  • 2 // Meeting with Marc, Rob, Alex, Miro
  • 1 // Continue // 0001961: (*NATP2) create designs for Trucking Optimization
  • 1 // 0001966: (*NATP) Documents for Virtual Group (DO Truck for Virtual Group) Temporary work around

Daily Total:8

[edit] /28/April/Wed/8

  • 1.5 // 0001966: (*NATP) Documents for Virtual Group (DO Truck for Virtual Group) Temporary work around and 0001975: (*NATP) Documents for Virtual Group (Truck Detailed Manifest) Tweak: Ttl G kg to Ttl G Weight
  • 2.5 // Continue // 0001961: (*NATP2) create designs for Trucking Optimization
  • 1 // meeting with Alex
  • 1 // meeting with Jessie (EA), Marc, Stacy, Rob...
  • 1.5 // Continue // 0001961: (*NATP2) create designs for Trucking Optimization

Daily Total:8

[edit] /29/April/Thurs/8

  • 2 // Meeting with Jessie (EA), Marc, Rob
  • 0.5 // Communication with Sasha regarding 0001939: (CT Tabs: Export) Bug: from last release - 15a. Destination Terminal should be readable.
  • 0.5 // CT2 Support // Creating Mantis(s) and communicating with Denise
  • 2 // Cleaning up, re-wording, and reviewing all client tasks plan
  • 3 // Analysis and read related spec// Optimization

Daily Total:8

[edit] /30/April/Fri/8

  • 8 // research and analysis Trucking optimization business intelligent!

Daily Total:8

[edit] May

[edit] /3/May/Mon/8

  • 2 // research info about Trucking optimization project
  • 2 // misc, email, support, move location
  • 1 // meeting with Alex
  • 1 // meeting with Marc, Rob, Alex, and Denise
  • 2 // Alert system for Trucking optimization

Daily Total:8

[edit] /4/May/Tue/8

  • 2 // Misc, support
  • 1.75 // meeting with Simon and Alex (go through client tasks in backlog)
  • 3.5 // design dashboard for Trucking optimization
  • .75 // meeting with Marc and Alex (go through pdf tasks in backlog)

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /5/May/Wed/8

  • 2.5 // communication, CT2 support, CT 2 investigation
  • .5 // misc
  • 1 // helping Sasha regarding 0001932: (Client Reports) bug: Dropdown menu on Main report and In-transit : Delivery Locations filter(mapped to the wrong field)
  • 3 // 0001961: (*NATP2) create designs for Trucking Optimization, 0001991: (*NATP2) Alert feature for Trucking optimization , 0001990: (*NATP2) Create Zone for Trucking optimization , 0001992: (*NATP2) Dashboard for trucking optimization

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /6/May/Thu/8

  • 8 // discussion, help Denise, Mantis, prepare lists for client app meeting,and design 0001348: [Client.CTdetails] add a next button to see the next shipment detail with out going back to the shipment list and learning about geoMap from Andrei

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /7/May/Fri/8

  • 3 // Test client app on IE6
  • 2 // Support, help Denise, meeting with Alex
  • 1 // Discussion with Denise
  • .5 // create Mantis for Client tasks
  • .5 // Analysis and send feedback 0002003: (CT Tabs: Export) Add Courier AWB # field with tracking
  • 1 // Analysis and design 0001872: (*Dims for Pdfs (feature)) Implement this feature

Note:Paul installed VMware for IE6 on my computer

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /10/May/Mon/8

  • 1.5 // created Mantis for wiki clean-up and set emh
  • .5 // completed 0001872: (*Dims for Pdfs (feature)) Implement this feature
  • .5 // analysis and complete spec 0001993: (HBL) Add "no office" option for RECEIVING OFFICE
  • .5 // discussion with Denise
  • 5 // working on training process with Denise and Alex(1993, 2003)

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /11/May/Tue/9.25

  • 1 // completed spec for 0002003: (CT Tabs: Export) Add Courier AWB # field with tracking
  • 1 // misc
  • 2 // wiki clean-up:0002016: (Client Shipment Details: Doc Center Tab) wiki clean-up , testing
  • 1.25 // wiki clean-up:0002030: (Client MAWB Tr) wiki clean-up
  • 4 // working on training process with Denise and Alex(1613)

Daily Total: 9.25

[edit] /12/May/Wed/9

  • 2.5 // Help Denise investigate bugs, create Mantis, discussion
  • 3 // wiki clean-up 0002027: (Client My Profile) wiki clean-up
  • 3.5 // working with Denise and Alex

Daily Total: 9

[edit] /13/May/Thu/8

  • 1.5 // completed 0002029: (Client Log In) wiki clean-up
  • 1.5 // Helping Denise
  • 2 // Completed 0001995: (** OpsPdfs Misc) Re-design to accommodate the need to generate pdf for Ocean DO Export/Dock receipt before cont# is known
  • 2.5 // Started 0002024: (Client Report: Main) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // Started 0001752: (Main Wizard) Add "Undefined" Mode to the list of Transport Mode filters

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /14/May/Fri/9.5

  • 1.5 // 0001613: (Schedule Report) Wording on the body of the email for schedule report
  • 1.5 // Discussion with Denise
  • 1.5 // Completed 0002024: (Client Report: Main) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // continued 0001752: (Main Wizard) Add "Undefined" Mode to the list of Transport Mode filters
  • 0.5 // 0002047: (Client Report: Main) Add Report filter/output for Booking #
  • 0.5 // 0001764: (Main Wizard) Add Report filter/output for Booking #
  • 2.5 // 0002023: (Client Report: Where Is) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // 0002045: (Where Is) Add text box for Steamship Lines Booking #
  • 0.5 // 0002048: (Client Report: Where Is) Add text box for Steamship Lines Booking #

Daily Total: 9.5

[edit] /17/May/Mon/8

  • 0.75 // Misc, CT2 support
  • 1.25 // 0002031: (Client Home) wiki clean-up
  • 1 // 0001857: (Client Shipment Details) Print friendly version : With Comments or Without Comment sections
  • 2 // 0002018: (Client Shipment Details: Comments Tab) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // 0002055: (Client Report: Where Is) Need option to search container # by using the * symbol
  • 0.5 // 0001875: (Where Is) Need option to search container # by using the * symbol
  • 2 // 0002022: (Client Misc) wiki clean-up

Daily Total:8

[edit] /18/May/Tue/8.25

  • 0.75 // Misc, discussion with Sasha
  • 1.25 // 0002019: (Client Shipment Details: Containers Tab) wiki clean-up
  • 2 // 0002020: (Client Shipment Details: Contents Tab) wiki clean-up
  • 3.5 // 0002017: (Client Shipment Details: Com Center Tab) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5 // 0001956: (Comm Center) Jaguar CC list MUST be alphabetically order and grouped by offices
  • 0.25 // Started 0002021: (Client Shipment Details: First Tab) wiki clean-up

Daily Total:8.25

[edit] /19/May/Wed/

  • 6 // completed 0002021: (Client Shipment Details: First Tab) wiki clean-up
  • 2 // discussion with Sasha, testing opensource for IM with Paul

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /20/May/Thurs/8

  • 2 // 0001348: [Client.CTdetails] add a next/previous button to see the next/previous shipment detail with out going back to the shipment list
  • 3 // 0002025: (Client Shipment List) wiki clean-up
  • 0.5// Started 0002028: (Client Watch List) wiki clean-up
  • 2.5 // Research: Vendor Inventory project

Daily Total:8

[edit] /21/May/Fri/8.5

  • 4 // Learn about vendor inventory
  • 4.5 // Meeting with client EA in Stamford

Daily Total:8.5

[edit] /24/May/Mon/7.5

  • 3 // started 0002070: (* Vendor Inventory) first version Vendor Inventory
  • 1.5 // discussion and CT2 support
  • 3 // use cases visio for Vendor Inventory

Daily Total:7.5

[edit] /25/May/Tue/4

  • 3 // continued 0002070: (* Vendor Inventory) first version
  • 1 // discussion with Kostya and CT2 support
  • Take 4 hrs off from work

Daily Total: 4

[edit] /26/May/Wed/9

  • 1 // meeting with Simon and Denise about Agency Interface
  • 3 // continued 0002070: (* Vendor Inventory) first version
  • 4 // meeting and brainstorm concept for Vendor Inventory
  • 1 // analysis the requirement Vendor Inventory

Daily Total:9

[edit] /27/May/Thu/8

  • 4 // research Vendor Inventory, discussion
  • .75 // Meeting with Alex and Denise
  • .5 // 0002081: (Receiving Report)(*NATP) Add "Delivery Trucker" as a possible output
  • .5 // 0002075: (Approval Report)(*NATP) add “DATE CREATED” as a possible output
  • 1 // Investigating Daily reports with Denise
  • .75 // 0002084: (Daily) Include CT records that the E0 Client is updated since the previous report
  • .5 // 0002085: (Daily EA) Include CT records that the E0 Client is updated since the previous report

Daily Total:8

[edit] /28/May/Fri/9:25

  • .5 // Investigate and can't replicate this bug - 0002068: (Where Is) Searching by po / item number (aka Sku)
  • .5 // Help Denise about MAWB and HAWB logic
  • .5 // 0001940: (Docs Tab) Add ability to edit "Show to client" checkbox in Shipment Reports table
  • 4 // discussion and 0002028: (Client Watch List) wiki clean-up
  • 3.75 // Meeting

Daily Total:9.25

[edit] June

[edit] /1/Jun/Tue/9.25

  • 1.5 // discussion, design, approved by Simon 0001868: (Client Watch List)Nickname should be held all the time AND it should be searchable on the shipment list page search line
  • .5 // Gather list for Client App for a meeting
  • 7.25 // 0002078: (Shipper Interface) Create "Web based" version

Daily Total:9.25

[edit] /2/Jun/Wed/8

  • 2.5 // 0002092: Delivery Trailer Report
  • .25 // 0002098: (Receiving Report)(*NATP) One more output required: Item Quantity.
  • 4.25 // Meeting for new work flow with Alex and Denise (archive BR section), 0002094: (Receiving Report)(*NATP) Report lists number of lines instead of the actual number of shipments, 0002097: (Receiving Report) We need the "estimated" displayed until an "actual date is available"
  • .5 // 0002095: (In Transit) Need to add Item (Sku) for an output
  • .5 // 0002078: (Shipper Interface) Create "Web based" version

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /3/Jun/Thu/8

  • 5 // 0002078: (Shipper Interface) Create "Web based" version
  • .5 // Test 0001868: (Client Watch List)Nickname should be held all the time AND it should be searchable on the shipment list page search line
  • .5 // Discussion with Sasha per 1868 task
  • 1.5 // continued 0002028: (Client Watch List) wiki clean-up
  • .5 // Discussion with Alex about the new address notification for shipper interface

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /4/Jun/Fri/8

  • 3.5 // 0002078: (Shipper Interface) Create "Web based" version
  • 4.5 // Testing DT report, Meeting with Alex, Denise, then Marc and Simon joined at the end

[edit] /7/Jun/Mon/8

  • 2 // meeting with Alex regarding DT report clean up spec
  • 2 // 0002102: (Delivery Trailer Report) (Spec cleanup) This spec needs to be improved significantly
  • 3.5 // completed 0002028: (Client Watch List) wiki clean-up
  • .5 // completed - clean up Shipment Progress condition spec

[edit] /8/Jun/Tue/10.5

  • 1 // Meeting with Marc, Simon, Alex, and Denise regarding EA meeting
  • 1.5 // Discussion with Sasha regarding a bug and CT2 support
  • 8 // Meeting with EA clients in Stamford + commute time

Daily hours: 10.5

[edit] /9/Jun/Wed/8

  • 1 // meeting with Alex and Denise regarding Shipper Interface
  • 2.5 // meeting with Marc, Simon, Alex, and Denise
  • 2.5 // discussion with Alex and Denise
  • 2 // design Shipper Interface

Daily Hrs: 8

[edit] /10/Jun/Thu/11.25

  • .75 // Discussion with Sasha
  • .5 // help Denise with Mantis
  • 10 // Shipper Interface design

Daily hours: 11.25

[edit] /11/Jun/Fri/8.25

  • 5 // Shipper Interface spec and design
  • 2.75 // Meeting with Simon, Marc, Denise and Alex then meeting separately with Alex
  • .5 // Design Shipper Interface

Daily hrs: 8.25

[edit] /14/Jun/Mon/8.5

  • 8.5 // Shipper Interface designs and discussion

Daily hrs: 8.5

[edit] /15/Jun/Tue/8.5

  • 8.5 // Shipper Interface designs

Daily hrs: 8.5

[edit] /16/Jun/Wed/8

  • 8 // Shipper Interface designs

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /17/Jun/Thu/8

  • 8 // Shipper Interface designs

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /18/Jun/Fri/8

  • 8 // Shipper Interface designs

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /21/Jun/Mon/6

  • 6 // Mantis, CT2 Supports, misc

Daily hrs: 6

[edit] /22/Jun/Tue/8

  • 1.5 // Shipper Interface designs
  • .5 // Misc
  • // Meeting with Alex and Denise

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /23/Jun/Wed/8

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /24/Jun/Thu/8

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /25/Jun/Fri/8

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] July

[edit] /12/Jul/Mon/8

  • Testing shipper, planner, non-JG user account, sms text message, and email notification, review NPA

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /13/Jul/Tue/8

  • Testing shipper and planner

[edit] /14/Jul/Wes/8

[edit] /15/Jul/Thu/8

[edit] /16/Jul/Fri/8

[edit] July

[edit] /12/Jul/Mon/8

  • Testing shipper, planner, non-JG user account, sms text message, and email notification, review NPA

Daily hrs: 8

[edit] /13/Jul/Tue/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /14/Jul/Wed/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /15/Jul/Thurs/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /16/Jul/Fri/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /19/Jul/Mon/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /20/Jul/Tue/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /21/Jul/Wed/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /22/Jul/Thurs/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /23/Jul/Fri/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /26/Jul/Mon/8

  • 8 Client [2.1]

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /27/Jul/Tue/8

  • .75 meeting
  • 7.25 Disable an access to unapproved/new/reject/hold with out date shipments, TDS re-design discussion, NPA design discussion, UAT, process of creating user account on dev before release to production

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /28/Jul/Wed/11

  • 1.5 Meeting with Sasha and Roma
  • 9.5 Redo NPA spec, testing, UAT, report bugs found, and discussion

Daily hrs: 11

[edit] /29/Jul/Thurs/9

  • 2 hrs review and update NPA missing spec
  • .5 Discussion with Roma
  • .5 meeting status updated.
  • 4.25 UAT and testing all different scenario to make sure
  • 1.75 hrs demo meeting with Simon, Marc, Denise, and Alex

Daily hours:9

[edit] /30/Jul/Fri/8.5

  • .5 Discussion with Sasha
  • 1.5 Created mantis with new requirements with Denise
  • 6 UAT and testing all different scenario to make sure

Daily hours: 8

[edit] Aug

[edit] /2/Aug/Mon/8

  • 8 Review all the tasks for UAT and make sure everything is ready for the release, help Denise with Mantis, review phase 2 requirements to understand what to update for the spec

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /3/Aug/Tue/8

  • 1 Discussion with Sasha about migrating Addressbook
  • 2 Discussion with Sasha about tasks on Dev, QA statuses for [client 2.1] project with Kostya tasks for status updated
  • 1 Discussion with Sasha for the explanation about tasks on Estimated folder in order for him to estimate
  • 2 Started working on the next version of shipper user guides
  • .5 Meeting with Alex and Denise for Acc module
  • 1.5 Misc - Help Denise with all questions about CT2 supports and bugs

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /4/Aug/Wed/8.25

  • .75 Help Denise about CT 2 Supports
  • .5 Discussion with Roma about tasks on his folder
  • 5 Continued working on the next version of shipper user guides
  • 2 Discussion with Marc and investigate the requirement from EA

Daily hours: 8.25

[edit] /5/Aug/Thurs/8

  • 4 Investigating Daily schedule report against Web portal, discussion with Sasha and Denise for the case
  • 1 Installed and Investigated CamStudio for a demo
  • 2 Working with Paul about the new demo environment, testing
  • 1 Multi-investigation for Daily report - will cause problems for Where Is report, communication center

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /6/Aug/Fri/8

  • 3 Testing and showing Marc "CamStudio" VDO with voice
  • 2.5 Discuss, research and m2311 Design Weather widget for Andriy
  • 2.5 Continue working on Shipper User guides

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /9/Aug/Mon/8

  • 1 Help Denise with CT2 support
  • 2 Meeting with Alex about plans
  • 1.5 Meeting with Alex about review
  • 2 started Client 2.1 spec updates
  • 1.5 SKU to Planner map

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /10/Aug/Tue/8.5

  • 2 continued Client 2.2 - Wiki update
  • .5 testing Marc VDOs
  • .5 Discussion with Sasha
  • .5 Help Denise to understand the mantis tasks
  • 1 Discussion with Andriy
  • 4 Study TMS, Quickbooks meeting with Alex and Paul and Steph, Work on the VDO with Paul for Marc, train Denise how to use Camvideo, Spec for SKU to planner- pdf file.

Daily hours:8.5

[edit] /11/Aug/Wed/9

  • 1.5 investigated m2326 and discussed with Sasha, Marc and Simon, spec updated (emergency release)
  • .5 Prepare lists of tasks for emergency release, misc for support, and client 2.1 wiki update
  • 2.5 Learn about TMS requirement and Descartes
  • .5 conference call with Descartes
  • 4 meeting with Alex, and solving m2330

Daily hrs:9

[edit] /12/Aug/Thur/8

  • 2 solving m2330 with Sasha and Paul and created m2331
  • 2 m2336 fields for daily report needed. Review Denise VDO
  • 4 continued reading Descartes, meeting with Alex, Help Denise

Daily hrs:8

[edit] /13/Aug/Fri/8

  • 8 Meeting about EA requirements, Meeting about the plan while Alex's on VC, Supports, Descartes

Daily hours:8

[edit] /16/Aug/Mon/8

  • 6 Discussed with Sasha about 2323 2326 2342, prepared a Super Planner feature info for the meeting, and project plan
  • 2 continued learning Descartes

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /17/Aug/Tue/11

  • 1.5 Review the tasks, plans, and scheduled a phone call with Descartes
  • 5 Meeting with Bill and Pat and Simon in EA Stamford
  • 1 Discussion with Sasha
  • 1 UAT for 2323 and 2326(still bug) on Staging
  • 2.5 spec for SKU to planner (changes)

Daily hours: 11

[edit] /18/Aug/Wed/9

  • 2 Analysis the SKU to Planner spec
  • 1 Discussed with Sasha (UAT) for task 2345 (new bug that needs to be included in the emergency release
  • .5 Discussed with Paul about the vdo caption
  • 5.5 Created a spec for double approval feature

Daily total: 9

[edit] /19/Aug/Thu/10

  • .5 Discussed, UAT, and Prepared for the release
  • .5 Discussed with Sasha about m2115
  • 9 Continued writing the updated SKU to Planner spec and designing the double approval feature

Daily hours: 10

[edit] /20/Aug/Fri/8.5

  • 1 Help Denise about notification HTML format (history), Discussed about TMS, Emergency release note m2323 m2326 m2342 m2345
  • .5 Phone call with Descartes
  • 7 Continued Sku to planner mapping with dynamic feature, Double approval process feature

Daily hours: 8.5

[edit] /23/Aug/Mon/8

  • 4.5 Double approval process feature Revision and send 3 specs to Bill and Pat (Simon)
  • 2 Email Chad for project team contact, Discussed with Denise about TMS Data Dict.
  • 1.5 TMS reading

Daily Total: 8

[edit] /24/Aug/Tue/11

  • 4 Discuss with Denise about the requirement from Tammy
  • 1 Read TMS
  • 6 Start spec and designs for Tammy's list for a proposal for her approval

Daily hours: 11

[edit] /25/Aug/Wed/11

  • 2 discuss with Denise
  • 4.5 Discussed with Sasha about client app(Tammy's list) tasks
  • 3 Finished writing spec and design for Tammy's list for first draft
  • 1.5 Management review TMS Data Dictionary

Daily hours: 11

[edit] /26/Aug/Thu/11.25

  • 7 Updated wiki on released tasks
  • 4.25 meeting with Simon, revise Tammy's proposal for some changes

Daily hours: 11.25

[edit] /27/Aug/Fri/9

  • 6 Updated wiki for released tasks
  • .5 Revised Tammy proposal
  • 2.5 TMS meeting

Daily hours:9

[edit] /30/Aug/Mon/9.5

  • 3 hrs wiki update and go through TMS questions
  • 5.5 Meeting with Chad, Eric, Denise and Marc for TM
  • 1 review the TMS discussion

Daily hours: 9.5

[edit] /31/Aug/Tue/9

  • 3 hrs Descartes meeting
  • 3 management, CT 2 supports, UAT, discussed with Sasha
  • 3 Meeting about TMS with Alex

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /1/Sep/Wed/9

  • 9 CT support, Discussion with Sasha and Andriy, TMS meeting with Alex and Denise

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /2/Sep/Thur/9

  • 2 CT2 discussion with Sasha
  • 1 Webex with Chad
  • 6 TMS meeting and set up carrier and tariff

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /3/Sep/Fri/6

  • 3 Work on Management
  • 1 CT2 support
  • 2 TMS schema

Daily hours:6

[edit] Sep

[edit] /13/Sep/Mon/9.5

  • 9.5 UAT, Discussion with Sasha, Discussion with Denise

Daily hours: 9.5

[edit] /14/Sep/Tue/11

  • 11 UAT, phone call with Chad,discussion with Sasha and TMS

Daily hours: 11

[edit] /15/Sep/Wed/10.5

  • 10.5 UAT, discussion with Sasha, and TMS meeting with Team(1.5 hrs)

Daily hours: 10.5

[edit] /16/Sep/Thu/8.5

  • 8.5 UAT, demo SKU to Planner and double approval process feature to Marc Simon and Rob (1 hr), TMS

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /17/Sep/Fri/9.5

  • 4.5 Meeting with EA stamford
  • 2 TMS
  • 1 Tammy's list
  • 2 PM

Daily hours: 9.5

[edit] /20/Sep/Mon/8.5

  • 8.5 Response to emails, demo Simon, Release note, testing carrier and client statistic reports, discussion with Denise.

Daily hours: 8.5

[edit] /21/Sep/Tue/10.5

  • 2 Discuss with Andrei regarding Client and Carrier statistics reports
  • .5 Discuss with Andriy about our own messenger
  • 8 Investigate missing shipments with Sasha, and PM

Daily hours: 10.5

[edit] /22/Sep/Wed/9.5

  • 9.5 Meeting with Descartes, PM, Discussed with Andrei about the carrier and client statistic reports, Discussed with Marc about feedback from EA Stamford and also new requirements.

Daily hours: 9.5

[edit] /23/Sep/Thu/9

  • 7 PM, Discussion with Sasha and Andrei, Web portal
  • 2 Training Tracie

Daily hours: 9.5

[edit] /24/Sep/Fri/8

  • 5 Support, meeting with Descartes, Sku to planner imported, discussed with Sasha about the piece price auto-filling
  • 3 Training Tracie, PM

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /27/Sep/Mon/8

  • 8 Meetings, PM, CT2 support, train Tracie

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /28/Sep/Tue/9

  • 9 PM, CT2 support, Investigating TDS.

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /29/Sep/Wed/9

  • 7 Meeting with Descartes and the TM team, PM, discussion with Roma, investigation the use cases
  • 1 Meeting with Marc, Simon, Denise, Alex, and Rob regarding WebPortal vs TDS vs TM
  • 1 Continue thinking about solution

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /30/Sep/Thu/8

  • 8 PM, discussion with Sasha , TM and Solution M2400 and M2394

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /1/Oct/Fri/8

  • 8 PM, discussion with Sasha and Andriy, and UAT

Daily hours: 8

[edit] Oct

[edit] /4/Oct/Mon/8.15

  • 1.5 Meeting for TM user training
  • 1.75 Meeting with Alex
  • 5 PM, discussion, CT2 support, TMS management, gather requirement from Simon

Daily report: 8.15

[edit] /5/Oct/Tue/8

  • 0.5 Discussion with Kostya
  • 2.25, meeting with Alex
  • 3 research solution and discuss with Sasha
  • 2.25 PM for sprint and for TMS, UAT, Wiki update

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /6/Oct/Wed/8

  • 1 Design Est hrs, Discussion with Alex, Discussion with Sasha about suspicious bugs
  • 3 UAT
  • 4 Wiki updates

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /7/Oct/Thu/8

  • .75 PM
  • 4 Review and discuss with Denise about tasks 0002190(CT Tabs: Export) For MOT Ocean, add OHBL validation steps to export tab and record the same in the updates log
  • 3 Review requirement for task 0002416: [Client Shipper/Planner ph3] Report based on number of records on Web Portal. Sent email to Simon for question re the requirement
  • .25 UAT 0002309 Client [Client 2.1] Shipper/Planner :Bug: Sorting feature - should sort throughout all the shipments for all pages.

Daily hours: 8

[edit] /8/Oct/Fri/Day off

  • Day off

[edit] /11/Oct/Mon/8

  • 5.75 UAT, Wiki updated
  • 2.25 Meeting with Alex

[edit] /12/Oct/Tue/9

  • 2 Meeting with Alex
  • 7 UAT, discussion, wiki

Daily hours: 9

[edit] /13/Oct/Wed/8

  • 7 Training
  • 1 Investigation

Daily hrs:8

[edit] /14/Oct/Thu/9

  • 2.25 Meeting with Alex about PM
  • 2.25 PM, Discussion with the team for Dev sprint
  • 3.5 Investigated bugs
  • 1 Started SA task

Daily hrs: 9

[edit] /15/Oct/Fri/8.5

  • 1 Created Dev Sprint(PM)
  • 3 Continued investigating 2443
  • .5 discussion with Sasha and Andriy
  • 3 Discussed with Simon and gather a brief requirement: m2446, m2447, m2450 and presented Client view (tammy's list) to Simon
  • .5 Help Denise investigating Client App

[edit] /18/Oct/Mon/8.75

  • 3 BA&SA for 2420, 1337, 2151, 2131
  • 1 Gather more info and discuss with Sasha about 2443
  • .5 Meeting with Alex Re 2416
  • 0.5 UAT for 2400
  • 3 Wiki updated 2376, 2312, 2309, and 2352
  • .75 investigate NPA and thinking for solution for 2449

Daily hours: 8.75

[edit] /19/Oct/Tue/9.5

  • 0.75 Investigate TDS and NPA
  • 0.5 Investigate Shipper case
  • 0.5 Investigate Last Free Day
  • 2 PM and discussion
  • 2.25 Updated wikis
  • Continued SA for m2246 and m2247

Total hours: 9.5

[edit] /20/Oct/Wed/8

  • 0.25 Wiki update 2322

[edit] /21/Oct/Thu/8

[edit] /22/Oct/Fri/8

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