Ocean Cargo Manifest (M)

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[[Category:Ops Pdfs Ocean]]
[[Category:Ocean Cargo Manifest (M)]]
== Mantis ==
== Mantis ==

Revision as of 14:23, 20 April 2010




Business Needs and Requirements

Technical Specification



Master profile > Doc center Tab


As usual document can be pre-viewed and edited through pdf template.

See Example on #Figure 1. Cargo Manifest Ocean Template

See field descriptions, mappings, etc below.

Top Section

  • Shipper:
copy of Master field Master#Master Shipper
  • Booking No.:
copy of Master field Master#Booking Num
  • Vessel Name:
copy of Master field Master#Vessel Name
  • Origin Point:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Loading
  • Consignee:
copy of Master field Master#Master Consignee
  • Destination Point:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Discharge
  • Jaguar Reference No.:
TBD, now is pre-fill to blank
  • Master Bill of Lading:
copy of Master field Master#Master Bill Of Lading

Containers Table Section

For each container from Containers Table on Master Details Tab shows information in separate Container Table.

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Template Container Table.GIF

Container No.

Current container number labeled as "Container No.:".

Each line of Container Table related to current container contains information about each CT from List of CT's contained in this Master which assigned to current container.

Container Table Columns
  • CT No./HBL - this column hasn't text header and contents 2 textboxes in one cell:
    • read-only CT No: current CT Number.
    • editable HBL: copy of CT field HBL for current CT.
  • Pieces - calculated Total Handling Units for those commodities from current CT, which are assigned to current container.
  • Weight - calculated Total Gross Weight for those commodities from current CT, which are assigned to current container.
  • Shipper / Consignee - 2 textboxes in one cell:
    • copy of CT field Shipper for current CT.
    • copy of CT field Consignee for current CT.
  • Commodity - copy of CT field Commodity Description for current CT.
Container Table Totals
  • Calculated for Pieces and Weight columns.
  • Labeled as "Total Pieces" and "Total Weight".
  • Pieces can be shows as HU/AMS with Pieces measure unit.

Bottom Section

  • generate report button



  • See section 1 on Figure 2.
Jaguar Logo. Office Logo of Jaguar office associated with login User.
Jaguar Address. Address of Jaguar office associated with login User.
Doc Title. centered "OCEAN CARGO MANIFEST" line.

Top Section

  • See section 2 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Top Section.

Containers Table Section

  • See section 3 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Containers Table Section.


  • See section 4 on Figure 2.
Centered gray sentence: "WWW.JAGUARFREIGHT.COM".

Multipage case


Figure 1. Cargo Manifest Ocean Template

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Template.GIF

Figure 2. Cargo Manifest Ocean Pdf

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Pdf.GIF



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