ASN 20 Solution

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(Add Role Type attribute: Built In vs User Defined User Roles)
(ANA report)
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[[Category:ASN 20]]
[[Category:ASN 20]]
== Info ==
== About ==
== Preliminary Work ==
This wiki defines both Requirements and Solution for ASN 20 project.
Primary audience - Development Team (leads, developers) and Product Team (prod manager, business analysts).
== Preliminary Remarks ==
=== Core Needs ===
''Copied from [[#ASN 20 BR]] wiki.''
ASN 20 will extend ASN 1.X to provide the following functionality - see below.
* extend Shipper / ASN / Planner / Jaguar Ops functionality to:
** other MOTs (Air, Ocean, etc)
** any Client Company
* add some additional features (such as Additional MOT Air approval)
* introduce some changes (such as FTL/LTL logic)
* some not directly related to ASN functionality (such as merging Com and EQuery)
=== ASN 2.0 vs ASN 1.X ===
ASN 2.0 is an extension of ASN 1.X functionality.
This wiki maintains focus on explaining what to add and change without repeating in details what to carry over from previous version (ASN 1.X). At the same time I do briefly mention some of the major functionality that needs to be preserved.
=== ASN 2.0 vs International Portal ===
Originally this scope was kept under larger International Portal project. Most recently it was decided to extract ASN related functionality and implement it as soon as possible.  This project is to be called ASN 2.0.
Some features that were developed or half-developed under I-Portal such as Flexible CT editor, merging of Client and Internal App were put on hold and are out of scope for this project.
Some features such as new User Roles Manager will be used for this module. But some adjustment is required (example: some Roles will be defined as Flexible and some as Built In).
Also we need to clearly define in the system option for Truck Domestic mode: '''TMS''' vs '''non-TMS'''.
=== Rapid development for ASN 2.0 ===
We should try to take such development approach that allows for rapid first version that could change after we get additional understanding soon after (if we sell this solution). Ideally code that we write should not affect existing code that already supports ASN 1.X and CT2. Same would be true for database structure that supports existing data.
=== Demo version first ===
It is requested to produce demo version first (limited set of features, no need for production quality) within first 4-5 weeks of development.
== Misc Set 1 ==
These are Non Core (Peripheral) tasks.
=== Add Clone User feature ===
'''BR:''' [[ASN_20_BR#Add_Clone_User_feature]]
On UI level there would be "Clone" button on Admin > Users Admin panel.
Selecting one user and pressing "Clone" would open up Add New User panel with all info pre-populated from selected user except (these fields should be empty):
* username
* First / Last name
* password
* SkypeId
* birthday
* phone
Note to Developer
We used to have this feature. After we merged Jag and Non-Jag profiles it disappeared.
Search for this code and re-use if possible.
'''Post Impl Notes.'''
Implemented as defined in spec.
=== Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group ===
'''BR:''' [[ASN_20_BR#Add_Create_GRP_action_to_Virtual_Group]]
See mock up below.
[[File:Create GRP under Virtual Group.JPG]]
On "Create GRP" load "Add shipment group" window:
* List all CT numbers there.
* if all CTs have same E0 and MOT then pre-fill these fields
* if these CTs can't be grouped together provide Error message (try to re-use existing logic/code)
=== Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins ===
'''Create and consolidate TMS Admin'''
1) Create '''Admin > TMS''' menu item
2) Move Admin > Client Application > Admin > TMS to '''Admin > TMS'''
3) Associate Trailer payload Admin with TMS:
Move Admin > Transportation > Trailer Payload panel to Admin > TMS
'''Create and consolidate ASN Admin''' 
1) Create '''Admin > ASN''' menu item
2) Move Admin > Client Application > Admin > Shipper Portal to '''Admin > ASN'''
=== Re-design SKU Map ===
'''SKU Map.'''
"SKU Map" aka "SKU to Planner mapping" as defined in ASN 1X is a table (uploaded in the form of xls) that links unique SKU# to SKU description and to planners name.
It provides auto-suggest for SKU description on ASN form and planner filter for List CTs under Planners login.
It was required only for CTs that are associated with one particular PO Issued By value.
Link to ASN 1X spec: [[ASN_1.X#SKU_to_Planner_Mapping_Feature]].
'''SKU Map browser.'''
We need to add one simple important table: history of uploaded files with ability to View files and with these attributes per File entity:
* file-name
* file size
* time-stamp when uploaded
* who uploaded (username)
Currently, it is not possible to see even currently uploaded xls.
Figure below suggests possible UI design to satisfy stated functionality.
* Upload button - to upload new files.
* View button - to view existing.
Option with No:
[[File:PO Issued with No.JPG]]
Option with Yes:
[[File:PO Issued with Yes and browser.JPG]]
=== Flag CT feature ===
'''BR/ISA:''' [[ASN 20 BR#Flag CT feature]]
=== Merge Com and EQuery ===
'''BR/ISA:''' [[ASN 20 BR#Merge Com and EQuery ]].
=== Flexible Shipments List ===
'''BR/ISA:''' [[ASN 20 BR#Flexible Shipments List]].
== Misc Set 2 ==
=== Add TMS E0 attribute ===
=== Add TMS E0 attribute ===
Currently "TMS solution" supports only one Client Company (E0) at a time - we can not send shipments to TMS that are identified by more than one E0 - this case is not defined - no code or business process exists.  
Currently "TMS solution" supports only one Client Company (E0) at a time - we can not send shipments to TMS that are identified by more than one E0 - this case is not defined - no code or business process exists to handle this case properly. This restriction will remain in ASN 2.0.
We need to add parameter to the system that defines what E0 "is linked to" TMS currently. This will help in :
We need to add parameter to the system that defines clearly what E0 "is linked to" Descartes TMS currently. This will help in :
* reporting (for example for DR/KPi reporting we will know what CTs are linked to costs we that receive from TMS and store in special Load table vs costs entered by operators)
* reporting  
* validation (to make sure we do not send CTs with other E0s to TMS)
** for example for DR/KPI reporting we will know in this case what CTs are linked to cost that we receive from TMS vs costs entered by operators. It is important because we keep these costs in different database tables for these two cases.
* validation
** to make sure we do not send CTs from more than one E0 to TMS
See mock up below.
See mock up below.
[[File:TMS Admin with E0.png]]
[[File:TMS Admin with E0.png | 500px]]
=== Tune Role Admin ===
=== Add Role Type attribute: Built In vs User Defined User Roles ===
'''Add Role Type attribute: Built In vs User Defined User Roles.'''
We have to distinguish between Built In and User Defined User Roles.
We have to distinguish between Built In and User Defined User Roles.
Also this should be obvious for the user - what role is Built In and what is User Defined.
Also this should be obvious for the user - what role is of what type.
This should be a new attribute of User Role Entity.
This is a new attribute of User Role Entity.
'''User Defined Role''' is a role that can be created and '''fully''' defined by user through Open Admin > Security > User Roles.
'''User Defined Role''' is a role that can be created and '''fully''' defined by user through Admin > Security > User Roles panel.
See changes on the mock up below:
See UI changes on the Figure below:
1 - change button label
1 - change button label
2 - add "User Type" column
2 - add "Role Type" column
[[File:User Roles Admin with User Role Type.png]]
[[File:User Roles Admin with User Role Type.png | 300px]]
=== Add Generic Shipper and Generic Planner Built In User Roles ===
'''Add Generic Shipper and Generic Planner Built In User Roles.'''
Currently the only Shipper and related Planner roles defined in the system are "EA Shipper" and "EA Planner". These are built in roles.
Currently the only Shipper and related Planner roles defined in the system are "EA Shipper" and "EA Planner". These are built in roles.
Line 42: Line 203:
They currently support only Elizabeth Arden (EA) Domestic Trucking workflow.
They currently support only Elizabeth Arden (EA) Domestic Trucking workflow.
Since it is intention to increment/change EA workflow and also to add support for any Client Company without distracting existing operations it is suggested to create two new built in roles "Generic Shipper" and "Generic Planner" that would fully satisfy ASN 2.0 requirements. Deploy this into production. After release we would have:
Since it is intention to increment/change EA workflow and also to add support for any Client Company without distracting existing operations we need to create two new built in roles "Generic Shipper" and "Generic Planner" that would fully satisfy ASN 2.0 requirements.  
See #3 and #4 on the Figure above.
Deploy this into production. After release we should:
* EA Shipper  
* EA Shipper  
Line 59: Line 224:
  Code should be re-used by both EA and Generic Shipper/Planners.  
  Code should be re-used by both EA and Generic Shipper/Planners.  
  We should not create separate similar code for EA vs Generic roles.
  Obviously we should not create separate similar code for EA vs Generic roles.
== Misc set 3 ==
=== ASN transmit ===
'''BR/ISA:''' [[ASN_20_BRBA#ASN transmit]]
'''ASN transmit: Admin''' 
Admin user should be able to add '''ASN Transmit Option'''.
Each ASN Transmit Option has the following attributes:
* ''Name''
** defined by user text; examples: Jaguar(CT2), Panalpina(3PL)
* ''Type''
** possible values: {System, User Defined}
*** System - hard coded option; for now it is only one: Jaguar(CT2)
*** User Defined - user can add and define options in this admin
* ''Method''
** for "Jaguar(CT2)" it should say "native/internal". In this case CT2 will internally open access to CT record to Jag Ops
** for all user defined it should provide drop down with one option: "email"
UI mock up: TBD.
Components using this:
* [[#Create and Submit ASN Form]]
* [[#Portal Profile: MOT Settings ]]
'''ASN transmit: email option''' 
option 1) One e-mail will have two attachments:
* commodity info
** utilize existing "Download to xls format" but remove totals info
* non-commodity info
** create similar format to above but list attribute/value vertically
option 2) One e-mail will have one attachment
=== Logs ===
Both Drill down and naming (!) in "Events posted from > ASN Portal" should emulate what we have in in Main Menu > Admin > ASN.
To keep it simple you could have:
* Events posted from > ASN (root)
* Events posted from > ASN > Admin > Asn Misc
* Events posted from > ASN > Admin > Portals
* Events posted from > ASN > ASN Records (updates to all CTs that would include all shipper updates and all planner updates)
* Events posted from > ASN > ASN Users OR Events posted from > Admin > Users (all ASN related updates to users)
== Portal ==
ASN Portal is created for particular Company and its Supply Chain. Example: EA.
Therefore we need to create such entity in the system so we can define all properties associated with it.
We could have used Client Company E0 for that purpose but unfortunately we sometimes create multiple E0s for the same Company/Supply Chain. For example for EA we have:
* "EA DOM PORTAL" E0 for USA Trucking Domestic shipments
* "Elizabeth Arden" E0 for Air and Ocean shipments
So in the case above we will create Portal named "EA" and associate it with all relevant E0s: in this case "Elizabeth Arden" and "EA DOM PORTAL".
=== List of Portals and Portal Profile ===
'''List of Portals'''
Add this to '''Admin > ASN '''.
This is a panel that lists all existing Portals in the system.
Each portal listed with some additional information:
* number of linked E0s
* number of linked users that are just Shippers
* number of linked users that are just Planners
* number of linked users that are both Shippers and Planners
On "Add" or "Edit" system shows [[#Portal Profile]]. 
See mock up below.
[[File:List of portals.JPG]]
'''Portal Profile'''
Portal Profile has several sections - see below.
Note to developer
I suggest that we implement UI similarly to Client Companies:
a) Add/Edit results in a pop-up window.
b) We utilize a mix of <tabbox/> and <groupbox/> with <caption/> to present various sections.
'''Portal Profile: General Settings Section'''
In this section the following 3 parameters have to be defined:
* Portal Name:
** user will name it here
* Portal Note:
** some useful memos could be posted here to preserve knowledge for other admin users 
* Related E0s:
** list of E0s that would be used "under this Portal"
See UI mock up below.
[[File:Portal General.JPG]]
'''Portal Profile: MOT Settings Section'''
In this section we define all desirable configurations under specific portal that relates to the following parameters:
* ''MOT:''
:- "native" to CT2 MOTs
* ''Synonym (mode)'' and ''Synonym (sub-mode)''
:- this combination is just a synonym for MOT
:- two values define two dropdowns on ASN form
* ''From:''
:- options:
:: - Regions (multi with any)
:: - Countries (multi with any)
:: - Shippers (multi with any)
:- see also [[#ASN transmit]]
* ''To:''
:- options:
:: - Regions (multi with any)
:: - Countries (multi with any)
:: - Consignees (multi with any)
:- see also [[#ASN transmit]]
* ''Transmit To:''
:- see also [[#ASN transmit]]
* ''Link to E0:''
:- see explanation here: [[#Portal]]
===== Mapping =====
Origin Region/Country should map to country in Pick Up location.
Destination Region/Country should map to country in Ship To location.
Developers Note
Per Kostya's suggestion:
* def: let's call each line a "rule"
* all "rules" defined in the table are ordered
* rules at the top have higher precedence that those at the bottom
* default "rule" would be added to cover cases that are not defined
See UI mock up below.
[[File:Portal MOT Settings.JPG]]
[[File:Edit mot settings for portal.JPG]]
'''Portal Profile: Approval Settings Section'''
Specific portal could have option to transmit all ASNs to 3PLs for transportation as they get submitted by Shippers or could provide separate layer for approval workflow:
* option 1) All ASNs will be transmitted to 3PLs for transportation automatically
* option 2) At least some ASNs needs to go through approval process
If option 2 is selected then additional information needs to be defined such as:
* PO Issued By list
* approval mode for every PO Issued By/MOT combination
:- possible values: {Auto, Single, Double}
* Air Approval and Cargo Due date settings
UI mock-up:
[[File:Portal Planning Settings.JPG]]
Note to developer
Feel free to implement another UI equivalent to above.
'''Edit or Delete Portal'''
Select portal from [[#List of Portals]] and apply action.
'''Make PO Issued By List Portal specific'''
This feature is already in the system.
Since every Supply Chain/Company has its own PO Issued By List it has to be defined in Portal profile - see [[#Portal Profile]].
Since approval type will be Portal specific we have to move related parameters there as well - - see [[#Portal Profile]].
Existing list is located under Admin > Transportation > PO Issued By.
It needs to be again defined for Portal once we migrate from EA Shipper to Generic Shipper.
'''SKU Map should be PO Issued By specific and Portal specific'''
This feature is already in the system.
Now SKU Map should become Portal specific - see [[#Portal Profile: Approval Section]].
Y vs N indicate if SKU Map is used for selected PO Issued By or not.
SKU Map is not required feature therefore default is N.
On "Add" the following pop-up will be produced - see [[#Re-design SKU Map]].
== Shipper Related Functionality ==
=== New Shipper Profile ===
'''Shipper Profile: General section'''
We have the following fields:
* ''Portal:''
** change: used to be linked to (create ASNs for) one E0
* ''Shipper (T1):''
** remains the same
* ''Shipments weight in:''
** remains the same
See mock up below.
'''Shipper Profile: Portal specific section'''
For every Portal defined in General section we can define the following:
* ''Approval mode for every PO Issued By/MOT combination''
** By default these settings are taken from Portal profile
* ''Air Approval and Cargo Due date settings''
** By default these settings are taken from Portal profile
* ''Available MOT setting''
** we define can Shipper select mode at all or not
** if Yes then we define what mode (out of defined in Portal modes) he can select
See mock up below.
[[File:New Shipper profile.png]]
=== New ASN Form ===
'''ASN form and logic: list of changes.'''
Here is a brief list of changes for ASN form and on submit logic:
* Add mode/sub-mode fields
* Show truck table for FTL
* Show container table for FCL
* on submit create CT records based on new special algorithm
* new dims and CBM management
'''ASN form mock up.'''
See below mock up for Ocean FCL case.
[[File:Create CT form.png | 800px]]
==== Add mode and submode ====
Add (Transport) "Mode" + "Sub-Mode" as defined through "MOT synonym" - see [[#Portal Profile: MOT Settings Section]].
==== Truck and container tables on ASN form ====
===== Add FTL vs LTL flag =====
<div style="background-color:wheat">
* FTL - full truck load. Paid per track regardless of weight/volume. For very large shipments.
* LTL - less than truck load. Paid based on weight/volume. For small and medium shipments.
In ASN 2.0 we would like to request shipper to indicate what kind of shipment he is requesting: FTL vs LTL.
Also this should be a sub-mode offered to Shipper/Planner.
<div style="background-color:lightGray">
(Per Kostya) the best way to implement is to add extra entity "Sub-mode" with values: {LTL, FTL}
===== Add Truck table for FTL  =====
We want to request the following info from Shippers when they submit ASN for FTL shipments:
* how many trucks of what size are required to move commodities defined on ASN
The following design has been implemented:
[[File:Truck info.JPG]]
NOTE: see also [[#CRW 8 Re-design Truck Info]] (pendng)
===== Add Container table for FCL =====
<div style="background-color:wheat">
Provide same container related capability to Shippers as ops have on internal:
* create containers with size/type/seal/number
* assign commodities
Above will be optional. In many cases shippers will just indicate how many containers and of what size.
<div style="background-color:lightGray">
I suppose we could just re-use back-end (non-zul) code that we have
==== On submit algorithm ====
'''If''' ASN is associated with E0 that is associated with TMS (see [[#Add TMS E0 attribute]])
'''Then''' keep existing ASN 1.X logic (create separate CT for each commodity table)
'''Else''' create one CT with multiple lines in commodity table (as defined on ASN form).
This CT will have status new and appear under radar of appropriate planners.
==== Preview and Confirmation Screen ====
Preserve such logic defined in ASN 1.X.
Show these screens on submit:
* Preview Screen
* Confirmation Screen
See it defined here: [[ASN 1.X#Create_CT_record]]. (NOTE: This wiki might not be completely up to date, functionality in production is more relevant).
==== Email Notifications on ASN submit ====
Send Notification email to Shipper who created record on ASN submit (as defined in ASN 1.X).
==== ASN info access after submit ====
To remind once ASN is submitted the following could happen in terms of ASN info access:
* ''if no approval process defined'' then:
** CT record created based on ASN will show up on [[#ANA report]] or be transmitted to other 3PLs
* ''if approval process is defined'' then:
** CT record created based on ASN will become available to Jag Ops or other 3PLs
** It will become available for planners for approval process
In both cases above shipper user can edit CT record until "ASN locked for edit condition":
* ''Actual pick up date is set.''
=== New dims and CBM management ===
<div style="background-color:wheat">
We need to add choice to enter cbm or dims per line item vs per table.
To do that:
* add selector "Define volume/dims for each commodity line (Y/N)?"
** if N then functionality is the same as on internal (see Table B and Dims/Non-Dims selector)
** if Y then see below
*** each commodity line is incremented with fields W,H,L,Unit(for L,W,H),total(in cbm),total(in cft)
*** calculate / display total for entire com table (in both cbm and cft)
*** provide Non-Dims option (to enter volume, not calculate) per commodity line
* use same functionality for both internal and Client Apps (= it must behave same way on both Client and Internal)
=== Shipments List for a Shipper user ===
'''Add mode and sub-mode columns and filters.'''
Preserve existing logic. See [[ASN_1.X#View_list_of_CT_records_as_a_shipper]].
But need to add mode and sub-mode columns.
See (1) and (2) on mock up below.
'''Add Display one line per CT option.'''
If un-selected then show all commodity items.
If selected then fields that have different values across commodity items should show "var" (for various) and ideally on mouse over show all values.
See (4) on a mock up below.
'''Shippers UI in case of multiple Portals.'''
In this case Shipper need to choose from the list of Portals to see shipments for particular Portal.
See (3) on a mock up below.
This is due to business requirement to not mix CTs within different Portals.
'''Edit, Clone, Delete CT records as a Shipper'''
Preserve existing logic. See [[ASN_1.X#Core Shipper Functionality]].
'''Shipments List mock up.'''
See mock up below.
[[File:CT list for Shipper.png|750px]]
== Planner Related Functionality ==
=== New Planner Profile ===
Each Planner is associated with multiple Portals.
Under each Portal we need to define his role separately for each PO Issued By.
See mock up below.
[[File:Planner role.JPG|600px]]
Planners that handle [[#Air Approval Type]] defined as Air Planners.
=== Shipments List for a Planner user ===
Preserve existing functionality: [[ASN_1.X#View_list_of_CT_records_as_a_planner]]
'''Planners UI in case of multiple Portals.'''
Please apply same approach to UI as for Shipper in this case.
'''Add type of planner to UI.'''
Add type of planner to Planner UI.
It should be a simple label. Examples:
* You are a Super Planner
* You are a Regular and Air Planner
'''Shipments List for a Planner mock up.'''
See below.
Additional features (1),(2),(3),(4) are defined in [[#Shipments List for a Shipper user]]
[[File:CT list for Planner.png|750px]]
=== Approval related logic ===
Preserve existing functionality: [[ASN_1.X#Authorize_CT_records]].
See also  [[ASN_1.X#Double Approval Process Feature]].
Also introduce some additional functionality and changes as defined below.
==== Approval algorithm ====
"Under one ASN" (decision will be made for one ASN at a time) planner might set different status for every commodity line. Every time Planner process multiple lines:
* create one CT for all rejected records
* create one CT for all on hold records
* create one CT per MOT for all approved records
NOTE: all commodities that are combined in one CT must have same "header" info (origin, destination, etc).
Notes to developer.
1) CT# that was created from ASN originally will not be re-used in above process or not.
Approval options:
* through Shipments List
* through View CT pop-up
IMPORTANT: If ASN is not approved completely first time by planner (all items) then clear Truck Info and Container Info since it is relevant only if all commodities are moved together.
==== Approval with Changing MOT ====
Planner can change MOT when he is changing the status from New to another status.
Planner can not approve shipment with Undefined mode.
MOT can not be changed after CT is approved.
==== Approval types summary ====
* single - defined in [[ASN 1.X]]
* double - defined in [[ASN 1.X]]
* no approval - new type - see below
* air approval - new type - below
==== Air Approval Type ====
This is an additional layer of approval for Air shipments that is required before CTs become visible to Jag Ops.
CTs created by Shipper Users that have this approval type selected would require Planner User who's is "Air Planner" to approve these shipments.
==== No Approval Type ====
This is a.k.a. Auto Approval.
CTs created by Shipper Users that have this approval type selected would be automatically available for Jag Ops bypassing any approval layer (unless Air Approval is required).
==== After Approval logic ====
Reminder that once CT is approved one of these two things would happen:
* it becomes available on dashboard for Jaguar Ops
* it is transmitted to other 3PLs
==== Notifications by Planner ====
Preserve ASN 1X notifications:
== Jaguar Operator Related Functionality ==
There are number of changes required on internal for ASN 20 version. See below.
=== ANA report ===
As in ASN 1X shipments that are approved (or not require approval) are ready for Transportation and need to come under radar of operators so that they can be handled.
This is achieved by Approved But Not Actioned shipments '''Dashboard''' Report (aka ANA Report).
It is similar in spirit and functionality to TDS Dashboard in ASN 1X for TMS (Truck Dom Stats) shipments for EA.
Newly approved shipments should appear on DR and stay there until they are noticed and acted on by an operator.
'''NOTE 1:''' TMS CTs should not be a part of this report as they are part of TDS.
'''NOTE 2:''' Only non-transmit CTs should be included.
'''ANA report level 1'''
Information is structured by Client and by [[#Transport Mode]].
See mock up below.
[[File:AR rep level 1.png]]
For every such group of shipments two counters provided in the form of X/Y.
'''ANA status'''
ANA - '''approved''' (but not yet '''actioned'''); 
CT has AR status if both conditions below are met:
* '''approved:''' CT "passed approval process" - approved by all planners involved or no approval was required
* '''not actioned:''' Pick Up Trucker not assigned ''' AND ''' CTs not grouped ''' AND ''' Master not created ''' AND ''' none of  Ref Num is assigned'''
Note: the current set of conditions for EA International Portal to include a CT to the report (''per  Kostya'', --[[User:Andrei|Andrei]] 11:40, 19 February 2015 (EST)):
s = s + "gs.TransportModeId IN (2,3,4,5,6) AND " +
                    "gs.IsApprovedByPlanner = 1 AND " +
                    "NOT gs.ActualDeliveryDate > '0000-00-00' AND " +
                    "gs.AirlineId IS NULL AND gs.SteamshiplineId IS NULL AND " +
                    "NOT gs.EstimatedDepartureDate > '0000-00-00' AND NOT gs.ActualDepartureDate > '0000-00-00' AND ";
all MOTs excluding UNDEF + Trucking
ActualDeliveryDate not set
Airline + Steamshipline = Empty
EstimateDepartureDate + ActualDepratureDate = Not Set
'''ANA report level 2'''
Display (as on TDS):
* shipments with details (selected attributes)
* filters
Note that the following columns have been added in ASN 20:
* Orig country
* Dest country
* Haz, Y/N
Note that the following filters have been added in ASN 20:
* Portal
* Client E0
* Status
Add to table below and filters.
Please note that in comparison with TDS there are no tabs here.
Instead there is a label identifying Client E0 and ANA status.
See mock up below:
[[File:AR lev 2.JPG]]
'''ANA report on Reports Scheduler'''
Should be managed through Reports Scheduler (with dashboard option).
* E0 multiselect - limits list of client companies available on DR
* MOT multiselect - limits list of MOTs available on DR - see below
E-mail option was not requested so please disable that option.
Dev Note
Existing framework will be reworked.
=== Jaguar Misc functionality ===
'''Add some fields on Internal to Gen Tab'''
All new fields defined for AS 20 needs to be shown/managed on internal (at the bottom of Gen Tab for all MOTs):
* cargo available
* cargo due
* planner (uname/fname/lname)
* shipper (uname/fname/lname)
* PO Issued By
* Approval type
'''Notifications by Jag Ops.'''
The following ASN 1X notification should remain:
* on Trucker assign (by Jag Ops) - email to Shipper
== ASN 20 Misc ==
==== Cargo Due and Cargo Available Dates ====
* Cargo Available Date
** required field on ASN form
** required for all MOTs
* Cargo Due Date
** required when CT is approved
** required for all MOTs
** please note that this date can be disabled/enabled in Portal profile
== Final Tasks ==
=== Add Standard Archiving and Logs ===
* For all new entity admins Standard Archiving functionality needs to be implemented
* All user actions needs to be logged using Standard Logs
=== Add E0 specific Pick Up and Delivery Addresses ===
On ASN Form it would make most sense to display only Pick Up (Origin Door) and Delivery (Destination Door) Locations that are relevant to specific Supply Chain (E0).
These two lists could be defined in a Client Company profile.
One Shipper normally has many Pick Up and many Delivery Locations of course so wee need multiselect on UI.
Add these controls to a separate tab.
We also have to provide alternative to use addresses defined here or any address from Address book.
To achieve that:
* create 2 radio buttons separately for Pick Up and Delivery
* option 1: "Use addresses defined here"
* option 2: "Use Pick Up (T4 list) and Delivery Locations (T7 list) from CT2 Address Book"
Default is option 2 and therefore shippers will choose from any address available in the system.
[Mock Up TBD]
=== VG number feature (Optional task) ===
Add possibility to generate unique number associated with current VG.
* it works like "saved filter": by entering this number operator can quickly re-create CT list and continue working with this group
* helps in communication between operators
* helps in communication between operators and non jaguar users
* can be used in the future:
** to generate docs, in accounting docs
** each shipment leg can be associated with separate VG and hold specific to that leg values
** see mock up below
** button "Generate" - see 1
** VG Note (hint on what type of CTs are in this group) - see 2
[[File:Generate VG number.png | 700px]]
* Display list of generated VG numbers:
** show it under Main menu > Virtual Group > History
** display a table
** columns:
*** date/time
*** VG #
*** who generated
*** VG Note
** most recent records first
** checkbox filter: show my VG only
== Statements Of Work ==
=== SOW 1 Create new branch for this project from trunk; create envir for QA/SIT/UAT ===
mantis: '''0003680'''
Call it "ASN 20".
=== SOW 2  Add Clone User feature ===
mantis: '''0003753'''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Add Clone User feature]]
=== SOW 3  Misc: Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group ===
mantis: '''0003754'''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group]]
=== SOW 4 Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins ===
mantis: '''0003755 '''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins]]
=== SOW 8 Re-design SKU Map ===
mantis: ''' 0003756 '''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Re-design SKU Map]]
=== SOW 7 Flag CT feature ===
mantis: ''' 0003757 '''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Flag CT feature]]
=== SOW 5 Merge Com and EQuery ===
mantis: '''0003758 '''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Merge Com and EQuery]]
=== SOW 6 Flexible Shipments List ===
mantis: ''' 0003768 '''
spec: [[ASN_20_Solution#Flexible Shipments List]]
=== SOW 9 Add TMS E0 attribute ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Add TMS E0 attribute]]
'''Non critical bugs:'''
1) When entering filter it shows finded E0 and clear entered info in filter box
2) If change E0 in admin settings, then system will send all early approved CTs for this Client company to TMS. Also it should corectly works for CTs editing.(after editing send to TMS or not)
functional should be tested after all other changes on ASN portal
5) In log records "Old Value" is always "null"
=== SOW 10 Tune Role Admin ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Tune Role Admin]]
'''Non critical bugs/QA Notes:'''
1) "Also this should be obvious for the user - what role is of what type." regular user can't see what type of role is "build in" what is "User defined" in "users admin" is no mentioned.
2) In cpecification is no information about is "build in" roles are editable or not ? I think if somebody will edit "build in" role and would like to save it, system should propose to save it with another name.
=== SOW 11 New Planner Profile ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#New Planner Profile]]
'''Non critical bugs:'''
"1) Is ""Super planner"" should not be set and read only in case of ""single approval procces"".
What is should be ""by default"" for auto approval PO issues ?(should it be by default ""super planner"")"
2)Align "Authorize CT with PO Issued By:" dropdown(selector with whole element)
3)Align "Portals" and "Properties" or add some separator between them.
'''QA notes:'''
третья стадия апрува:
"air approval" нет описания, у него тоже будут супер планер и бейсик планер или общие с другим МОТ (бесик, супер) ???
"каким образом planner будет связан с порталами ? (у шипмента будет маркер каким порталом он создан ?)"
=== SOW 12 Shipments List for a Planner user ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Shipments List for a Planner user]]
=== SOW 13 Approval related logic  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Approval related logic]]
=== SOW 14 Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL]]
=== SOW 15 ASN transmit ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#ASN transmit]]
=== SOW 16 ANA report  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#ANA report]]
=== SOW 17 Jaguar Misc functionality  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Jaguar Misc functionality]]
=== SOW 18 List of Portals and Portal Profile  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#List of Portals and Portal Profile]]
'''Non Critical bugs:'''
"Transmit To:" is always "Jaguar CT2" hard coded but should be list from SOW 14 (critical)
1)When "All ASNs will be transmitted to 3PLs for transportation automatically" option is enabled then better to show options "Approvals" for "PO issue by" like "Auto"
2) No LOG records for this admin
3) It's possible to create few identical "transport modes" with the different "Transmit To:", how system will behave itself in this case ?
4) Mouse click on "Rules" for "transport modes" should select not only this particular rules but a common MOT also, so when user will try to edit it he get an admin panel for correct record.
Зачем три столбца с МОТ ??? Почему описано "- Regions (multi with any) - Countries (multi with any) - Shippers (multi with any)" а на макете только страна ?
=== SOW 19 New Shipper Profile  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#New Shipper Profile]]
=== SOW 20 New ASN Form  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#New ASN Form]]
=== SOW 21 Shipments List for a Shipper user  ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#Shipments List for a Shipper user]]
=== SOW 22 New dims and CBM management    ===
mantis: ''' '''
spec: [[#New dims and CBM management]]
== Dependencies for SOWs ==
*Column A: <y/n: Can coding be STARTED before all tasks in set B completed?>
*Column B: <set B:list of tasks (SOW#s) that must be completed before task A can be COMPLETED>
*Column C: <task A>
column A // column B // Column C
y // none // SOW 1 Create new branch for this project from trunk; create envir for QA/SIT/UAT
y // none // SOW 2 Add Clone User feature
y // none // SOW 3 Misc: Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group
y // none // SOW 4 Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins
y // 18 // SOW 8 Re-design SKU Map
y // 12, 21 // SOW 7 Flag CT feature
y // 12, 21 // SOW 5 Merge Com and EQuery
y // 12, 21 // * SOW 6 Flexible Shipments List
y // none // SOW 9 Add TMS E0 attribute
y // none // SOW 10 Tune Role Admin
y // 10, 18 // SOW 11 New Planner Profile
n // 20 // * SOW 12 Shipments List for a Planner user
? // 20 // * SOW 13 Approval related logic
y // 21 // * SOW 14 Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL
y // 20 // * SOW 15 ASN transmit
y // 13 // SOW 16 ANA report
y // 20 // SOW 17 Jaguar Misc functionality
y // none // * SOW 18 List of Portals and Portal Profile
n // 10, 18 // * SOW 19 New Shipper Profile
n // 18, 19 // * SOW 20 New ASN Form
? // 20 // * SOW 21 Shipments List for a Shipper user
'''NOTE''': coding for some tasks can start and even be nearly complete in some cases before set B is completed. But not QA.
== CRWs ==
These are Change Request Work.
=== CRW 1 Introduce View Only Planner ===
mantis: 3808
spec: see below
BR: Add "view only" planner role.
Currently each planner can be Super and/or Air planner (see planners profile). This is PO Issued By specific.
To achieve that I suggest adding "View Only" options.
If "View Only" is selected then this planner has '''view only''' functionality and Super and Air planner options are disabled.
Such planners can only review CTs and post comments. Subject to PO Issued By visibility rules.
=== CRW 2 Add Client role to Portal ===
mantis: 3809
spec: see below
1) Add ability to configure Client (view only) role users for Portals.
2) Add "PO Issued By" as a condition to visibility rules.
=== CRW 3 Changes to Com component ===
spec: see below
* 1) To field logic:
** on Client:
*** default to operator of last change
*** provide choice to email to nobody or anybody from the oper/client lists
** on Internal:
*** default to "no email"; on submit warning: "Comment will not be e-mailed to anybody(OK, Cancel)"
*** provide choice to email to nobody or anybody from the oper/client lists
* 2) Add Com tab to Edit CT form
=== CRW 4 Move Admin > ASN > Admin options to  ===
spec: see below
Options found on Admin > ASN > Admin > Shipper portal tab must be Portal specific (will be part of Portal Admin) (not same for all portals):
* Automatically reject shipments on New Tab after X days of inactivity
* Allow Double Approval planners to download Planner's Names (ASN 1.X only)
Dev notes
part A) implement change to admin
part B) implement change to actual logic
=== UAT 2 ===
=== CRW 5 Enable quick user creation through Portal  ===
spec: see below (TBD)
=== CRW 6 Re-design interface for Flexible Shipments List ===
'''mantis''': TBD
'''spec''': see below
"Mouse over header of the list and right click to show column management panel" is fine.
But pop up that manages visible columns and order of columns needs to be re-designed:
* should have 2 panels
* left panel has a list of all available fields in alphabetical order
* right panel contains all visible columns (top to bottom order indicates left to right order on a  Sh.List)
* fields/order of fields are to be selected through "drag and drop": drag from left to right and immediately insert on the right in appropriate position
* see mock up below - picture shows two types of mouse drag and drop movements:
** one is to make column visible and position where user wants to (in the same movement)
** another is to re-order existing visible columns
[[File:Flex columns.JPG]]
* configuration is user specific and should be remembered for each user
* default config - see below
List of fields / order by default:
* For all tabs:
**Pick Up Location
**Delivery Location
**Piece Price
**Total Value
**Item Descr.
* New, Delivered, Archived:
** Created On
* Approved:
** Approved On
* Hold:
** Approved For
* Rejected:
** Rejected On
Finally, super-set of fields that will be available to choose from:
* <all fields from above list>
* Shipper
* P.O Issued by
* Created by
* Load Number
* PT Number
* DT Number
* Pick up Instructions
*Commodity description
*Cargo Available
*Cargo Due
*Last update date and time
*Pick up Trucker Name
*Est. Pick up date
*Act. Pick up date
*Delivery Trucker Name
*Est. Delivery date
*Act. Delivery date
*Num of Plt
*pkgs on plt
*Loose pkgs
*TTL GW (lb)
=== CRW 7a Change filters logic on Shipment List ===
'''mantis''': TBD
'''spec''': see below
* No need for "Apply filter" button (only use it for submitting search string) - change in filter should result in immediate re-draw
=== CRW 7b Expand / Collapse feature for Shipments List ===
'''mantis''': TBD
'''spec''': see below
* No need for "Apply filter" button (only use it for submitting search string) - change in filter should result in immediate re-draw
* Add "Display one line per CT" (on/off) functionality for specific CT (not all at once as we have now)
** see mock up below (implement same or similar in functionality):
[[File:Ct list collapsed.JPG]]
And if user clicks on "arrow" - see below
[[File:Ct list expanded.JPG]]
* [IMPORTANT: This is just extra bonus for now, not required!] When "Display one line per CT"=off highlight in one color all commod lines of specific CT. Alternate line highlight as in standard ZK design but not per line but per CT. See example below:
CT#  PO <color> 
123  1  gray
123  2  gray
555  7  white
765  9  gray
=== CRW 8 Re-design Truck Info ===
'''mantis''': 0003816
'''spec''': see below
==== part A ====
We want to request the following info from Shippers when they submit ASN for FTL shipments:
* how many trucks of what size are required to move commodities defined on ASN
* what size, seal, trailer number each truck has 
* Typical truck size values: 48 ft, 53 ft. (manage this in Admin)
==== part B: ====
Assign commodities to each truck (as for containers) 
Truck Info should be managed similarly to containers:
* lines with truck size / seal# / trailer id
* assign to commod line function
* note: num of trucks should be a drop down
* validation: all fields are optional
* Truck Dom
* Truck Air
* Truck Ocean
ASN 1 vs ASN2:
* on ASN 1 leave as is
* implement only for ASN 2 users (Generic user)
Pick Up Trucker vs Delivery Trucker:
* on ASN it is just one set of values
* value on ASN will populate both Pick Up and Delivery trucker (in some cases there is a pool point then load is transferred from one truck to another)
* on internal present both options (PU and Delivery)
See mock up below: (could be optimized by developer):
NOTE! We should also have container number to the right of checkbox as on container table.
[[File:Truck table.JPG]]
* Currently no related reports were requested
=== CRW 9 Re-design Container size and type admin ===
'''mantis''': TBD
'''spec''': see below
Add flag to each item: include or exclude item when this list shows through portal.
(This is to exclude "LCL" value from portal - they use it for internal)
=== UAT 3 ===
=== CRW 10 New dims and CBM management v 2.0 ===
'''mantis''': TBD
'''spec''': see below
* Leave only per commodity line option
* For option above two sub options as before: Dims and Non-Dims
* Non-Dims option:
** enter cbm or cft per line as is now
* Dims option:
** enter multiple lines per commodity item in pop-up (sick on "dims" button), system will calculate total
** see mock up below
** in pop-up:
*** by default display one line in the pop up form for all pls (we assume they all of the same size) and one line for loose (assume same - they are of the same size); pre-fill plt count and loose count; see mock up - pop up is for line one
*** user can add/remove lines, etc as is now on similar form we use to enter dims for entire table
[[File:Dims-20v2.png | 800px]]
Bellow pop up will show if user clicks "Dims" for first line above:
[[File:Dims pop up.png | 600px]]
=== CRW 11 Planner: Remove option to set shipment status to “NEW” on the New tab ===
'''spec''': see below
On the Planner Shipment List NEW tab – remove the option to set approval status to NEW. Also in detailed view remove the button “set new” for shipments that are already NEW.
[[File:Eliminate New 1.jpg]]
[[File:Eliminate New 2.jpg]]
=== CRW 12  – Add confirmation when sending ASN transmit to external 3PL.  ===
'''mantis''': 0003819
'''spec''': see below
Once an ASN is transmitted to external 3PL, we need to add a note in the HISTORY and COM tab.
[[File:ASN Transmit 1.jpg]]
[[File:ASN Transmit 2.jpg]]
=== CRW 13 Planner/SuperPlanner ability to change Mode of Transport ===
'''mantis''':  3826
'''spec''': see below
Planner and SuperPlanner needs the ability to change the Mode of Transport when they approve shipments. This was part of the original functional requirements and is critical for the demo version.
See [[#Approval with Changing MOT]]
=== CRW 14 Support multiple currencies when entering in Piece Price ===
'''spec''': see below
Shippers need the ability to change the currency when entering Piece Price. This is a critical component of international ASN as we cannot force all shippers to enter in USD.
The shipper should be able to select the currency in the Piece Price field similar to how they can select (Lb or Kg) in Tlt GW field.
The Tlt Value field should then use this new currency – do not allow shipper to adjust currency in Ttl Value field. It should be read-only.
Currencies that need to be supported: USD (US Dollars), EUR (Euro), GBP (Great British Pound)
NOTE 1: If user enters value with USD selected and then changes USD to another currency there will be NO conversion of old value into the new using cur exchange.
NOTE 2: In the future (post Demo Ver) we need to manage list of currencies available / defaults in Portal profile.
=== CRW 15 Dims Management - One line case ===
'''spec''': see below
When entering in Dims, if there is 0 Loose pkgs or 0 Plts, then it should default only 1 line item in the Dims table. Right now, the Dims table defaults to 2 lines and assumes that a shipper will send Pallets and Loose packages.
The reasoning behind this is a shipper only ships Pallets, they are usually the same size so they won’t need to enter in multiple dimensions.
However, they will need the ability to add additional dimensions if pallets are different sizes.
Same holds true if they are shipping just loose packages. This change is only to modify the current default lines available to the shipper.
=== CRW 16 Dims Management Layout on ASN form ===
'''spec''': see below
Add label “Dimensions Management” to the dims radio buttons on ASN form.
Move the two radio buttons to right side of Commodity Description.
Move Mode/Submode dropdown to level vertically with button of Created By textbox.
Add sentences next to “Non-Dims” and “Dims” radio buttons to describe functionality.
=== CRW 17 Total GW should be 2 decimal places ===
'''spec''': see below
Total GW should be 2 decimal places as that is an industry standard.
It currently displays a 3 decimal places.
=== CRW 18 ASN Form (layout) ===
'''spec''': see below
Move Ttl HU, Cubic M, Cubic Ft to right side of Ttl Value.
Most shippers do not enter in dimensions until after they’ve entered weight & price, so this is just to conform to their normal day-to-day processes.
=== CRW 19 Download to Excel – mimic flexible shipments list ===
'''spec''': see below
They want the Download to Excel feature to mimic flexible shipments list design.
Instead of the current popup where users select fields, they want it to look like the flexible shipments list and they want the “selected” and “not-selected” fields to default to the current state of the user’s shipment list configuration.
=== CRW 20 ASN Form – Add UNDEFINED to Mode/Submode dropdown list  ===
'''spec''': see below
When a shipper enters in an ASN, rather than leave this dropdown blank to force the Planner/SuperPlanner to assign a MOT – Simon/Marc wants it to be replaced with UNDEFINED and wants it to default to UNDEFINED.
=== CRW 21 Hide Meters & Feet from optional units of value in Dims module ===
'''spec''': see below
Marc and Simon were very adamant about hiding this option from the Dims module. Rather than deleting the option, can we think about hiding it in the dropdown for both internal CT2 & ASN2.0?
=== CRW 22 Shipments List header should be sizable ===
'''spec''': see below
Column width on Shipments List should be sizable (as on Client App).
See mock up below:
[[File:Resizable columns.JPG]]
Width for every column will be saved (user specific).
=== CRW 23 Re-design Haz feature ===
'''spec''': see below
* add Haz/Non-haz flag to each commodity item
* "CT level Haz/non haz flag" (existing) will not be editable by user anymore - it will be calculated based on the Rule below:
"HNH Rule: If at least one commodity line is Haz then entire shipment is Haz"
* if planner is splitting ASN and forming new CTs then system will analyze each new CT and set CT level haz/non-haz option to haz or non-haz based on the Rule above
* implement above for both ASN 2.0 and Internal
* (!) also, add "Hazardous Note" text field to ASN form (please note that such field already exists in DB and on internal - see "Gen Tab. 23. Hazardous Note")
=== CRW 24 Changes to Portal Admin. Transport Mode Tab and related ASN Form validation ===
'''spec''': see below
1) ASN Admin Portal > Transport Modes Tab > item > default option > Transmit To dropdown will have option "none".
In this case Client Company dropdown will be hidden.
This will mean that any other configurations as far as rules are invalid - see also below.
2) On ASN Form, on Save system will validate 4 fields (Shipper, Consignee, Pick Up Location, Delivery To) against equivalent filters defined on Transport Modes Tab. If they do not match error will be produced:
You are not allowed to create ASN with such combination of Shipper, Pick Up Location, Ship To Location values.
Please change one  or all of these fields and re-submit.
== To do ==
* case
** CT created.
** Approval logic changed.
** What approval logic to apply? Current logic.
* Change of settings in portal profile will not propagate into existing shipper/planner. Is this OK?
== Misc ==
== SOWs and Change Requests ==

Current revision as of 16:48, 19 February 2015


[edit] About

This wiki defines both Requirements and Solution for ASN 20 project.

Primary audience - Development Team (leads, developers) and Product Team (prod manager, business analysts).


[edit] Preliminary Remarks

[edit] Core Needs

Copied from #ASN 20 BR wiki.

ASN 20 will extend ASN 1.X to provide the following functionality - see below.

  • extend Shipper / ASN / Planner / Jaguar Ops functionality to:
    • other MOTs (Air, Ocean, etc)
    • any Client Company
  • add some additional features (such as Additional MOT Air approval)
  • introduce some changes (such as FTL/LTL logic)
  • some not directly related to ASN functionality (such as merging Com and EQuery)

[edit] ASN 2.0 vs ASN 1.X

ASN 2.0 is an extension of ASN 1.X functionality.

This wiki maintains focus on explaining what to add and change without repeating in details what to carry over from previous version (ASN 1.X). At the same time I do briefly mention some of the major functionality that needs to be preserved.

[edit] ASN 2.0 vs International Portal

Originally this scope was kept under larger International Portal project. Most recently it was decided to extract ASN related functionality and implement it as soon as possible. This project is to be called ASN 2.0.

Some features that were developed or half-developed under I-Portal such as Flexible CT editor, merging of Client and Internal App were put on hold and are out of scope for this project.

Some features such as new User Roles Manager will be used for this module. But some adjustment is required (example: some Roles will be defined as Flexible and some as Built In).

Also we need to clearly define in the system option for Truck Domestic mode: TMS vs non-TMS.

[edit] Rapid development for ASN 2.0

We should try to take such development approach that allows for rapid first version that could change after we get additional understanding soon after (if we sell this solution). Ideally code that we write should not affect existing code that already supports ASN 1.X and CT2. Same would be true for database structure that supports existing data.

[edit] Demo version first

It is requested to produce demo version first (limited set of features, no need for production quality) within first 4-5 weeks of development.

[edit] Misc Set 1

These are Non Core (Peripheral) tasks.

[edit] Add Clone User feature

BR: ASN_20_BR#Add_Clone_User_feature

On UI level there would be "Clone" button on Admin > Users Admin panel.

Selecting one user and pressing "Clone" would open up Add New User panel with all info pre-populated from selected user except (these fields should be empty):

  • username
  • First / Last name
  • password
  • SkypeId
  • birthday
  • phone
Note to Developer
We used to have this feature. After we merged Jag and Non-Jag profiles it disappeared. 
Search for this code and re-use if possible.

Post Impl Notes.

Implemented as defined in spec.

[edit] Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group

BR: ASN_20_BR#Add_Create_GRP_action_to_Virtual_Group

See mock up below.

File:Create GRP under Virtual Group.JPG

On "Create GRP" load "Add shipment group" window:

  • List all CT numbers there.
  • if all CTs have same E0 and MOT then pre-fill these fields
  • if these CTs can't be grouped together provide Error message (try to re-use existing logic/code)

[edit] Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins

Create and consolidate TMS Admin

1) Create Admin > TMS menu item

2) Move Admin > Client Application > Admin > TMS to Admin > TMS

3) Associate Trailer payload Admin with TMS:

Move Admin > Transportation > Trailer Payload panel to Admin > TMS

Create and consolidate ASN Admin

1) Create Admin > ASN menu item

2) Move Admin > Client Application > Admin > Shipper Portal to Admin > ASN

[edit] Re-design SKU Map

SKU Map.

"SKU Map" aka "SKU to Planner mapping" as defined in ASN 1X is a table (uploaded in the form of xls) that links unique SKU# to SKU description and to planners name.

It provides auto-suggest for SKU description on ASN form and planner filter for List CTs under Planners login.

It was required only for CTs that are associated with one particular PO Issued By value.

Link to ASN 1X spec: ASN_1.X#SKU_to_Planner_Mapping_Feature.

SKU Map browser.

We need to add one simple important table: history of uploaded files with ability to View files and with these attributes per File entity:

  • file-name
  • file size
  • time-stamp when uploaded
  • who uploaded (username)

Currently, it is not possible to see even currently uploaded xls.

Figure below suggests possible UI design to satisfy stated functionality.

  • Upload button - to upload new files.
  • View button - to view existing.

Option with No:

File:PO Issued with No.JPG

Option with Yes:

File:PO Issued with Yes and browser.JPG

[edit] Flag CT feature

BR/ISA: ASN 20 BR#Flag CT feature

[edit] Merge Com and EQuery

BR/ISA: ASN 20 BR#Merge Com and EQuery .

[edit] Flexible Shipments List

BR/ISA: ASN 20 BR#Flexible Shipments List.

[edit] Misc Set 2

[edit] Add TMS E0 attribute

Currently "TMS solution" supports only one Client Company (E0) at a time - we can not send shipments to TMS that are identified by more than one E0 - this case is not defined - no code or business process exists to handle this case properly. This restriction will remain in ASN 2.0.

We need to add parameter to the system that defines clearly what E0 "is linked to" Descartes TMS currently. This will help in :

  • reporting
    • for example for DR/KPI reporting we will know in this case what CTs are linked to cost that we receive from TMS vs costs entered by operators. It is important because we keep these costs in different database tables for these two cases.
  • validation
    • to make sure we do not send CTs from more than one E0 to TMS

See mock up below.

[edit] Tune Role Admin

Add Role Type attribute: Built In vs User Defined User Roles.

We have to distinguish between Built In and User Defined User Roles.

Also this should be obvious for the user - what role is of what type.

This is a new attribute of User Role Entity.

User Defined Role is a role that can be created and fully defined by user through Admin > Security > User Roles panel.

See UI changes on the Figure below:

1 - change button label

2 - add "Role Type" column

Add Generic Shipper and Generic Planner Built In User Roles.

Currently the only Shipper and related Planner roles defined in the system are "EA Shipper" and "EA Planner". These are built in roles.

They currently support only Elizabeth Arden (EA) Domestic Trucking workflow.

Since it is intention to increment/change EA workflow and also to add support for any Client Company without distracting existing operations we need to create two new built in roles "Generic Shipper" and "Generic Planner" that would fully satisfy ASN 2.0 requirements.

See #3 and #4 on the Figure above.

Deploy this into production. After release we should:

  • EA Shipper
  • EA Planner
  • Generic Shipper
  • Generic Planner

At that point In production we could:

  • start creating new Generic Shippers/Planners for any E0
  • transfer all users from EA Shipper to Generic Shipper
  • transfer all users from EA Planner to Generic Planner
  • remove EA Planner, EA Shipper (in the following Rel to Prod)
Important Note to Developer
Code should be re-used by both EA and Generic Shipper/Planners. 
Obviously we should not create separate similar code for EA vs Generic roles.

[edit] Misc set 3

[edit] ASN transmit

BR/ISA: ASN_20_BRBA#ASN transmit

ASN transmit: Admin

Admin user should be able to add ASN Transmit Option.

Each ASN Transmit Option has the following attributes:

  • Name
    • defined by user text; examples: Jaguar(CT2), Panalpina(3PL)
  • Type
    • possible values: {System, User Defined}
      • System - hard coded option; for now it is only one: Jaguar(CT2)
      • User Defined - user can add and define options in this admin
  • Method
    • for "Jaguar(CT2)" it should say "native/internal". In this case CT2 will internally open access to CT record to Jag Ops
    • for all user defined it should provide drop down with one option: "email"

UI mock up: TBD.

Components using this:

ASN transmit: email option

option 1) One e-mail will have two attachments:

  • commodity info
    • utilize existing "Download to xls format" but remove totals info
  • non-commodity info
    • create similar format to above but list attribute/value vertically

option 2) One e-mail will have one attachment

[edit] Logs

Both Drill down and naming (!) in "Events posted from > ASN Portal" should emulate what we have in in Main Menu > Admin > ASN.

To keep it simple you could have:

  • Events posted from > ASN (root)
  • Events posted from > ASN > Admin > Asn Misc
  • Events posted from > ASN > Admin > Portals
  • Events posted from > ASN > ASN Records (updates to all CTs that would include all shipper updates and all planner updates)
  • Events posted from > ASN > ASN Users OR Events posted from > Admin > Users (all ASN related updates to users)

[edit] Portal

ASN Portal is created for particular Company and its Supply Chain. Example: EA.

Therefore we need to create such entity in the system so we can define all properties associated with it.

We could have used Client Company E0 for that purpose but unfortunately we sometimes create multiple E0s for the same Company/Supply Chain. For example for EA we have:

  • "EA DOM PORTAL" E0 for USA Trucking Domestic shipments
  • "Elizabeth Arden" E0 for Air and Ocean shipments

So in the case above we will create Portal named "EA" and associate it with all relevant E0s: in this case "Elizabeth Arden" and "EA DOM PORTAL".

[edit] List of Portals and Portal Profile

List of Portals

Add this to Admin > ASN .

This is a panel that lists all existing Portals in the system.

Each portal listed with some additional information:

  • number of linked E0s
  • number of linked users that are just Shippers
  • number of linked users that are just Planners
  • number of linked users that are both Shippers and Planners

On "Add" or "Edit" system shows #Portal Profile.

See mock up below.

File:List of portals.JPG

Portal Profile

Portal Profile has several sections - see below.

Note to developer
I suggest that we implement UI similarly to Client Companies:
a) Add/Edit results in a pop-up window.
b) We utilize a mix of <tabbox/> and <groupbox/> with <caption/> to present various sections.

Portal Profile: General Settings Section

In this section the following 3 parameters have to be defined:

  • Portal Name:
    • user will name it here
  • Portal Note:
    • some useful memos could be posted here to preserve knowledge for other admin users
  • Related E0s:
    • list of E0s that would be used "under this Portal"

See UI mock up below.

File:Portal General.JPG

Portal Profile: MOT Settings Section

In this section we define all desirable configurations under specific portal that relates to the following parameters:

  • MOT:
- "native" to CT2 MOTs
  • Synonym (mode) and Synonym (sub-mode)
- this combination is just a synonym for MOT
- two values define two dropdowns on ASN form
  • From:
- options:
- Regions (multi with any)
- Countries (multi with any)
- Shippers (multi with any)
- see also #ASN transmit
  • To:
- options:
- Regions (multi with any)
- Countries (multi with any)
- Consignees (multi with any)
- see also #ASN transmit
  • Transmit To:
- see also #ASN transmit
  • Link to E0:
- see explanation here: #Portal
[edit] Mapping

Origin Region/Country should map to country in Pick Up location.

Destination Region/Country should map to country in Ship To location.

Developers Note
Per Kostya's suggestion:
* def: let's call each line a "rule"
* all "rules" defined in the table are ordered
* rules at the top have higher precedence that those at the bottom
* default "rule" would be added to cover cases that are not defined

See UI mock up below.


File:Portal MOT Settings.JPG


File:Edit mot settings for portal.JPG

Portal Profile: Approval Settings Section

Specific portal could have option to transmit all ASNs to 3PLs for transportation as they get submitted by Shippers or could provide separate layer for approval workflow:

  • option 1) All ASNs will be transmitted to 3PLs for transportation automatically
  • option 2) At least some ASNs needs to go through approval process

If option 2 is selected then additional information needs to be defined such as:

  • PO Issued By list
  • approval mode for every PO Issued By/MOT combination
- possible values: {Auto, Single, Double}
  • Air Approval and Cargo Due date settings

UI mock-up:

File:Portal Planning Settings.JPG

Note to developer
Feel free to implement another UI equivalent to above.

Edit or Delete Portal

Select portal from #List of Portals and apply action.

Make PO Issued By List Portal specific

This feature is already in the system.

Since every Supply Chain/Company has its own PO Issued By List it has to be defined in Portal profile - see #Portal Profile.

Since approval type will be Portal specific we have to move related parameters there as well - - see #Portal Profile.

Existing list is located under Admin > Transportation > PO Issued By.

It needs to be again defined for Portal once we migrate from EA Shipper to Generic Shipper.

SKU Map should be PO Issued By specific and Portal specific

This feature is already in the system.

Now SKU Map should become Portal specific - see #Portal Profile: Approval Section.

Y vs N indicate if SKU Map is used for selected PO Issued By or not.

SKU Map is not required feature therefore default is N.

On "Add" the following pop-up will be produced - see #Re-design SKU Map.

[edit] Shipper Related Functionality

[edit] New Shipper Profile

Shipper Profile: General section

We have the following fields:

  • Portal:
    • change: used to be linked to (create ASNs for) one E0
  • Shipper (T1):
    • remains the same
  • Shipments weight in:
    • remains the same

See mock up below.

Shipper Profile: Portal specific section

For every Portal defined in General section we can define the following:

  • Approval mode for every PO Issued By/MOT combination
    • By default these settings are taken from Portal profile
  • Air Approval and Cargo Due date settings
    • By default these settings are taken from Portal profile
  • Available MOT setting
    • we define can Shipper select mode at all or not
    • if Yes then we define what mode (out of defined in Portal modes) he can select

See mock up below.

File:New Shipper profile.png

[edit] New ASN Form

ASN form and logic: list of changes.

Here is a brief list of changes for ASN form and on submit logic:

  • Add mode/sub-mode fields
  • Show truck table for FTL
  • Show container table for FCL
  • on submit create CT records based on new special algorithm
  • new dims and CBM management

ASN form mock up.

See below mock up for Ocean FCL case.

[edit] Add mode and submode

Add (Transport) "Mode" + "Sub-Mode" as defined through "MOT synonym" - see #Portal Profile: MOT Settings Section.

[edit] Truck and container tables on ASN form

[edit] Add FTL vs LTL flag


  • FTL - full truck load. Paid per track regardless of weight/volume. For very large shipments.
  • LTL - less than truck load. Paid based on weight/volume. For small and medium shipments.

In ASN 2.0 we would like to request shipper to indicate what kind of shipment he is requesting: FTL vs LTL.

Also this should be a sub-mode offered to Shipper/Planner.


(Per Kostya) the best way to implement is to add extra entity "Sub-mode" with values: {LTL, FTL}

[edit] Add Truck table for FTL


We want to request the following info from Shippers when they submit ASN for FTL shipments:

  • how many trucks of what size are required to move commodities defined on ASN


The following design has been implemented:

File:Truck info.JPG

NOTE: see also #CRW 8 Re-design Truck Info (pendng)

[edit] Add Container table for FCL


Provide same container related capability to Shippers as ops have on internal:

  • create containers with size/type/seal/number
  • assign commodities

Above will be optional. In many cases shippers will just indicate how many containers and of what size.


I suppose we could just re-use back-end (non-zul) code that we have

[edit] On submit algorithm

If ASN is associated with E0 that is associated with TMS (see #Add TMS E0 attribute)

Then keep existing ASN 1.X logic (create separate CT for each commodity table)

Else create one CT with multiple lines in commodity table (as defined on ASN form).

This CT will have status new and appear under radar of appropriate planners.

[edit] Preview and Confirmation Screen

Preserve such logic defined in ASN 1.X.

Show these screens on submit:

  • Preview Screen
  • Confirmation Screen

See it defined here: ASN 1.X#Create_CT_record. (NOTE: This wiki might not be completely up to date, functionality in production is more relevant).

[edit] Email Notifications on ASN submit

Send Notification email to Shipper who created record on ASN submit (as defined in ASN 1.X).

[edit] ASN info access after submit

To remind once ASN is submitted the following could happen in terms of ASN info access:

  • if no approval process defined then:
    • CT record created based on ASN will show up on #ANA report or be transmitted to other 3PLs
  • if approval process is defined then:
    • CT record created based on ASN will become available to Jag Ops or other 3PLs
    • It will become available for planners for approval process

In both cases above shipper user can edit CT record until "ASN locked for edit condition":

  • Actual pick up date is set.

[edit] New dims and CBM management


We need to add choice to enter cbm or dims per line item vs per table.

To do that:

  • add selector "Define volume/dims for each commodity line (Y/N)?"
    • if N then functionality is the same as on internal (see Table B and Dims/Non-Dims selector)
    • if Y then see below
      • each commodity line is incremented with fields W,H,L,Unit(for L,W,H),total(in cbm),total(in cft)
      • calculate / display total for entire com table (in both cbm and cft)
      • provide Non-Dims option (to enter volume, not calculate) per commodity line
  • use same functionality for both internal and Client Apps (= it must behave same way on both Client and Internal)

[edit] Shipments List for a Shipper user

Add mode and sub-mode columns and filters.

Preserve existing logic. See ASN_1.X#View_list_of_CT_records_as_a_shipper.

But need to add mode and sub-mode columns.

See (1) and (2) on mock up below.

Add Display one line per CT option.

If un-selected then show all commodity items.

If selected then fields that have different values across commodity items should show "var" (for various) and ideally on mouse over show all values.

See (4) on a mock up below.

Shippers UI in case of multiple Portals.

In this case Shipper need to choose from the list of Portals to see shipments for particular Portal.

See (3) on a mock up below.

This is due to business requirement to not mix CTs within different Portals.

Edit, Clone, Delete CT records as a Shipper

Preserve existing logic. See ASN_1.X#Core Shipper Functionality.

Shipments List mock up.

See mock up below.

[edit] Planner Related Functionality

[edit] New Planner Profile

Each Planner is associated with multiple Portals.

Under each Portal we need to define his role separately for each PO Issued By.

See mock up below.

Planners that handle #Air Approval Type defined as Air Planners.

[edit] Shipments List for a Planner user

Preserve existing functionality: ASN_1.X#View_list_of_CT_records_as_a_planner

Planners UI in case of multiple Portals.

Please apply same approach to UI as for Shipper in this case.

Add type of planner to UI.

Add type of planner to Planner UI.

It should be a simple label. Examples:

  • You are a Super Planner
  • You are a Regular and Air Planner

Shipments List for a Planner mock up.

See below.

Additional features (1),(2),(3),(4) are defined in #Shipments List for a Shipper user

[edit] Approval related logic

Preserve existing functionality: ASN_1.X#Authorize_CT_records.

See also ASN_1.X#Double Approval Process Feature.

Also introduce some additional functionality and changes as defined below.

[edit] Approval algorithm

"Under one ASN" (decision will be made for one ASN at a time) planner might set different status for every commodity line. Every time Planner process multiple lines:

  • create one CT for all rejected records
  • create one CT for all on hold records
  • create one CT per MOT for all approved records

NOTE: all commodities that are combined in one CT must have same "header" info (origin, destination, etc).

Notes to developer.
1) CT# that was created from ASN originally will not be re-used in above process or not.

Approval options:

  • through Shipments List
  • through View CT pop-up

IMPORTANT: If ASN is not approved completely first time by planner (all items) then clear Truck Info and Container Info since it is relevant only if all commodities are moved together.

[edit] Approval with Changing MOT

Planner can change MOT when he is changing the status from New to another status.

Planner can not approve shipment with Undefined mode.

MOT can not be changed after CT is approved.

[edit] Approval types summary

  • single - defined in ASN 1.X
  • double - defined in ASN 1.X
  • no approval - new type - see below
  • air approval - new type - below

[edit] Air Approval Type

This is an additional layer of approval for Air shipments that is required before CTs become visible to Jag Ops.

CTs created by Shipper Users that have this approval type selected would require Planner User who's is "Air Planner" to approve these shipments.

[edit] No Approval Type

This is a.k.a. Auto Approval.

CTs created by Shipper Users that have this approval type selected would be automatically available for Jag Ops bypassing any approval layer (unless Air Approval is required).

[edit] After Approval logic

Reminder that once CT is approved one of these two things would happen:

  • it becomes available on dashboard for Jaguar Ops
  • it is transmitted to other 3PLs

[edit] Notifications by Planner

Preserve ASN 1X notifications:

[edit] Jaguar Operator Related Functionality

There are number of changes required on internal for ASN 20 version. See below.

[edit] ANA report

As in ASN 1X shipments that are approved (or not require approval) are ready for Transportation and need to come under radar of operators so that they can be handled.

This is achieved by Approved But Not Actioned shipments Dashboard Report (aka ANA Report).

It is similar in spirit and functionality to TDS Dashboard in ASN 1X for TMS (Truck Dom Stats) shipments for EA.

Newly approved shipments should appear on DR and stay there until they are noticed and acted on by an operator.

NOTE 1: TMS CTs should not be a part of this report as they are part of TDS.

NOTE 2: Only non-transmit CTs should be included.

ANA report level 1

Information is structured by Client and by #Transport Mode.

See mock up below.

File:AR rep level 1.png

For every such group of shipments two counters provided in the form of X/Y.

ANA status

ANA - approved (but not yet actioned);

CT has AR status if both conditions below are met:

  • approved: CT "passed approval process" - approved by all planners involved or no approval was required
  • not actioned: Pick Up Trucker not assigned AND CTs not grouped AND Master not created AND none of Ref Num is assigned

Note: the current set of conditions for EA International Portal to include a CT to the report (per Kostya, --Andrei 11:40, 19 February 2015 (EST)):

s = s + "gs.TransportModeId IN (2,3,4,5,6) AND " +
                   "gs.IsApprovedByPlanner = 1 AND " +
                   "NOT gs.ActualDeliveryDate > '0000-00-00' AND " +
                   "gs.AirlineId IS NULL AND gs.SteamshiplineId IS NULL AND " +
                   "NOT gs.EstimatedDepartureDate > '0000-00-00' AND NOT gs.ActualDepartureDate > '0000-00-00' AND ";
all MOTs excluding UNDEF + Trucking
ActualDeliveryDate not set
Airline + Steamshipline = Empty
EstimateDepartureDate + ActualDepratureDate = Not Set

ANA report level 2

Display (as on TDS):

  • shipments with details (selected attributes)
  • filters

Note that the following columns have been added in ASN 20:

  • MOT
  • Orig country
  • Dest country
  • CBM
  • Haz, Y/N

Note that the following filters have been added in ASN 20:

  • Portal
  • Client E0
  • Status
  • MOT

Add to table below and filters.

Please note that in comparison with TDS there are no tabs here.

Instead there is a label identifying Client E0 and ANA status.

See mock up below:

File:AR lev 2.JPG

ANA report on Reports Scheduler

Should be managed through Reports Scheduler (with dashboard option).


  • E0 multiselect - limits list of client companies available on DR
  • MOT multiselect - limits list of MOTs available on DR - see below

E-mail option was not requested so please disable that option.

Dev Note
Existing framework will be reworked.

[edit] Jaguar Misc functionality

Add some fields on Internal to Gen Tab

All new fields defined for AS 20 needs to be shown/managed on internal (at the bottom of Gen Tab for all MOTs):

  • cargo available
  • cargo due
  • planner (uname/fname/lname)
  • shipper (uname/fname/lname)
  • PO Issued By
  • Approval type

Notifications by Jag Ops.

The following ASN 1X notification should remain:

  • on Trucker assign (by Jag Ops) - email to Shipper

[edit] ASN 20 Misc

[edit] Cargo Due and Cargo Available Dates

  • Cargo Available Date
    • required field on ASN form
    • required for all MOTs
  • Cargo Due Date
    • required when CT is approved
    • required for all MOTs
    • please note that this date can be disabled/enabled in Portal profile

[edit] Final Tasks

[edit] Add Standard Archiving and Logs

  • For all new entity admins Standard Archiving functionality needs to be implemented
  • All user actions needs to be logged using Standard Logs

[edit] Add E0 specific Pick Up and Delivery Addresses

On ASN Form it would make most sense to display only Pick Up (Origin Door) and Delivery (Destination Door) Locations that are relevant to specific Supply Chain (E0).

These two lists could be defined in a Client Company profile.

One Shipper normally has many Pick Up and many Delivery Locations of course so wee need multiselect on UI.

Add these controls to a separate tab.

We also have to provide alternative to use addresses defined here or any address from Address book.

To achieve that:

  • create 2 radio buttons separately for Pick Up and Delivery
  • option 1: "Use addresses defined here"
  • option 2: "Use Pick Up (T4 list) and Delivery Locations (T7 list) from CT2 Address Book"

Default is option 2 and therefore shippers will choose from any address available in the system.

[Mock Up TBD]

[edit] VG number feature (Optional task)

Add possibility to generate unique number associated with current VG.


  • it works like "saved filter": by entering this number operator can quickly re-create CT list and continue working with this group
  • helps in communication between operators
  • helps in communication between operators and non jaguar users
  • can be used in the future:
    • to generate docs, in accounting docs
    • each shipment leg can be associated with separate VG and hold specific to that leg values


    • see mock up below
    • button "Generate" - see 1
    • VG Note (hint on what type of CTs are in this group) - see 2

  • Display list of generated VG numbers:
    • show it under Main menu > Virtual Group > History
    • display a table
    • columns:
      • date/time
      • VG #
      • who generated
      • VG Note
    • most recent records first
    • checkbox filter: show my VG only

[edit] Statements Of Work

[edit] SOW 1 Create new branch for this project from trunk; create envir for QA/SIT/UAT

mantis: 0003680

Call it "ASN 20".

[edit] SOW 2 Add Clone User feature

mantis: 0003753

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Add Clone User feature

[edit] SOW 3 Misc: Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group

mantis: 0003754

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group

[edit] SOW 4 Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins

mantis: 0003755

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins

[edit] SOW 8 Re-design SKU Map

mantis: 0003756

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Re-design SKU Map

[edit] SOW 7 Flag CT feature

mantis: 0003757

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Flag CT feature

[edit] SOW 5 Merge Com and EQuery

mantis: 0003758

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Merge Com and EQuery

[edit] SOW 6 Flexible Shipments List

mantis: 0003768

spec: ASN_20_Solution#Flexible Shipments List

[edit] SOW 9 Add TMS E0 attribute


spec: #Add TMS E0 attribute

Non critical bugs:

1) When entering filter it shows finded E0 and clear entered info in filter box

2) If change E0 in admin settings, then system will send all early approved CTs for this Client company to TMS. Also it should corectly works for CTs editing.(after editing send to TMS or not)

functional should be tested after all other changes on ASN portal

5) In log records "Old Value" is always "null"

[edit] SOW 10 Tune Role Admin


spec: #Tune Role Admin

Non critical bugs/QA Notes:

1) "Also this should be obvious for the user - what role is of what type." regular user can't see what type of role is "build in" what is "User defined" in "users admin" is no mentioned.

2) In cpecification is no information about is "build in" roles are editable or not ? I think if somebody will edit "build in" role and would like to save it, system should propose to save it with another name.

[edit] SOW 11 New Planner Profile


spec: #New Planner Profile

Non critical bugs:

"1) Is ""Super planner"" should not be set and read only in case of ""single approval procces"". What is should be ""by default"" for auto approval PO issues ?(should it be by default ""super planner"")"

2)Align "Authorize CT with PO Issued By:" dropdown(selector with whole element)

3)Align "Portals" and "Properties" or add some separator between them.

QA notes:

третья стадия апрува:

"air approval" нет описания, у него тоже будут супер планер и бейсик планер или общие с другим МОТ (бесик, супер) ???

"каким образом planner будет связан с порталами ? (у шипмента будет маркер каким порталом он создан ?)"

[edit] SOW 12 Shipments List for a Planner user


spec: #Shipments List for a Planner user

[edit] SOW 13 Approval related logic


spec: #Approval related logic

[edit] SOW 14 Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL


spec: #Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL

[edit] SOW 15 ASN transmit


spec: #ASN transmit

[edit] SOW 16 ANA report


spec: #ANA report

[edit] SOW 17 Jaguar Misc functionality


spec: #Jaguar Misc functionality

[edit] SOW 18 List of Portals and Portal Profile


spec: #List of Portals and Portal Profile

Non Critical bugs:

"Transmit To:" is always "Jaguar CT2" hard coded but should be list from SOW 14 (critical)

1)When "All ASNs will be transmitted to 3PLs for transportation automatically" option is enabled then better to show options "Approvals" for "PO issue by" like "Auto"

2) No LOG records for this admin

3) It's possible to create few identical "transport modes" with the different "Transmit To:", how system will behave itself in this case ?

4) Mouse click on "Rules" for "transport modes" should select not only this particular rules but a common MOT also, so when user will try to edit it he get an admin panel for correct record.


Зачем три столбца с МОТ ??? Почему описано "- Regions (multi with any) - Countries (multi with any) - Shippers (multi with any)" а на макете только страна ?

[edit] SOW 19 New Shipper Profile


spec: #New Shipper Profile

[edit] SOW 20 New ASN Form


spec: #New ASN Form

[edit] SOW 21 Shipments List for a Shipper user


spec: #Shipments List for a Shipper user

[edit] SOW 22 New dims and CBM management


spec: #New dims and CBM management

[edit] Dependencies for SOWs

  • Column A: <y/n: Can coding be STARTED before all tasks in set B completed?>
  • Column B: <set B:list of tasks (SOW#s) that must be completed before task A can be COMPLETED>
  • Column C: <task A>
column A // column B // Column C
y // none // SOW 1 Create new branch for this project from trunk; create envir for QA/SIT/UAT 
y // none // SOW 2 Add Clone User feature 
y // none // SOW 3 Misc: Add Create GRP action to Virtual Group
y // none // SOW 4 Create and consolidate TMS and ASN Admins
y // 18 // SOW 8 Re-design SKU Map
y // 12, 21 // SOW 7 Flag CT feature
y // 12, 21 // SOW 5 Merge Com and EQuery
y // 12, 21 // * SOW 6 Flexible Shipments List
y // none // SOW 9 Add TMS E0 attribute
y // none // SOW 10 Tune Role Admin
y // 10, 18 // SOW 11 New Planner Profile
n // 20 // * SOW 12 Shipments List for a Planner user
? // 20 // * SOW 13 Approval related logic
y // 21 // * SOW 14 Add FTL vs LTL flag and add Truck table for FTL
y // 20 // * SOW 15 ASN transmit
y // 13 // SOW 16 ANA report
y // 20 // SOW 17 Jaguar Misc functionality
y // none // * SOW 18 List of Portals and Portal Profile
n // 10, 18 // * SOW 19 New Shipper Profile 
n // 18, 19 // * SOW 20 New ASN Form
? // 20 // * SOW 21 Shipments List for a Shipper user

NOTE: coding for some tasks can start and even be nearly complete in some cases before set B is completed. But not QA.

[edit] CRWs

These are Change Request Work.

[edit] CRW 1 Introduce View Only Planner

mantis: 3808

spec: see below

BR: Add "view only" planner role.

Currently each planner can be Super and/or Air planner (see planners profile). This is PO Issued By specific.

To achieve that I suggest adding "View Only" options.

If "View Only" is selected then this planner has view only functionality and Super and Air planner options are disabled.

Such planners can only review CTs and post comments. Subject to PO Issued By visibility rules.

[edit] CRW 2 Add Client role to Portal

mantis: 3809

spec: see below


1) Add ability to configure Client (view only) role users for Portals. 
2) Add "PO Issued By" as a condition to visibility rules.

[edit] CRW 3 Changes to Com component


spec: see below


  • 1) To field logic:
    • on Client:
      • default to operator of last change
      • provide choice to email to nobody or anybody from the oper/client lists
    • on Internal:
      • default to "no email"; on submit warning: "Comment will not be e-mailed to anybody(OK, Cancel)"
      • provide choice to email to nobody or anybody from the oper/client lists
  • 2) Add Com tab to Edit CT form

[edit] CRW 4 Move Admin > ASN > Admin options to


spec: see below

Options found on Admin > ASN > Admin > Shipper portal tab must be Portal specific (will be part of Portal Admin) (not same for all portals):

  • Automatically reject shipments on New Tab after X days of inactivity
  • Allow Double Approval planners to download Planner's Names (ASN 1.X only)
Dev notes
part A) implement change to admin
part B) implement change to actual logic

[edit] UAT 2

[edit] CRW 5 Enable quick user creation through Portal


spec: see below (TBD)

[edit] CRW 6 Re-design interface for Flexible Shipments List

mantis: TBD

spec: see below

"Mouse over header of the list and right click to show column management panel" is fine.

But pop up that manages visible columns and order of columns needs to be re-designed:

  • should have 2 panels
  • left panel has a list of all available fields in alphabetical order
  • right panel contains all visible columns (top to bottom order indicates left to right order on a Sh.List)
  • fields/order of fields are to be selected through "drag and drop": drag from left to right and immediately insert on the right in appropriate position
  • see mock up below - picture shows two types of mouse drag and drop movements:
    • one is to make column visible and position where user wants to (in the same movement)
    • another is to re-order existing visible columns

File:Flex columns.JPG


  • configuration is user specific and should be remembered for each user
  • default config - see below

List of fields / order by default:

  • For all tabs:
    • CT#
    • Mode
    • Sub-Mode
    • Pick Up Location
    • Delivery Location
    • PO
    • SKU
    • Qty
    • Piece Price
    • Total Value
    • Item Descr.
  • New, Delivered, Archived:
    • Created On
  • Approved:
    • Approved On
  • Hold:
    • Approved For
  • Rejected:
    • Rejected On

Finally, super-set of fields that will be available to choose from:

  • <all fields from above list>
  • Shipper
  • P.O Issued by
  • Created by
  • Load Number
  • PT Number
  • DT Number
  • Pick up Instructions
  • Commodity description
  • Cargo Available
  • Cargo Due
  • Last update date and time
  • Pick up Trucker Name
  • Est. Pick up date
  • Act. Pick up date
  • Delivery Trucker Name
  • Est. Delivery date
  • Act. Delivery date
  • Num of Plt
  • pkgs on plt
  • Loose pkgs
  • TTL GW (lb)
  • Haz
  • Stack

[edit] CRW 7a Change filters logic on Shipment List

mantis: TBD

spec: see below

  • No need for "Apply filter" button (only use it for submitting search string) - change in filter should result in immediate re-draw

[edit] CRW 7b Expand / Collapse feature for Shipments List

mantis: TBD

spec: see below

  • No need for "Apply filter" button (only use it for submitting search string) - change in filter should result in immediate re-draw
  • Add "Display one line per CT" (on/off) functionality for specific CT (not all at once as we have now)
    • see mock up below (implement same or similar in functionality):

File:Ct list collapsed.JPG

And if user clicks on "arrow" - see below

File:Ct list expanded.JPG

  • [IMPORTANT: This is just extra bonus for now, not required!] When "Display one line per CT"=off highlight in one color all commod lines of specific CT. Alternate line highlight as in standard ZK design but not per line but per CT. See example below:
CT#  PO <color>  
123  1  gray
123  2  gray
555  7  white
765  9  gray

[edit] CRW 8 Re-design Truck Info

mantis: 0003816

spec: see below

[edit] part A

We want to request the following info from Shippers when they submit ASN for FTL shipments:

  • how many trucks of what size are required to move commodities defined on ASN
  • what size, seal, trailer number each truck has
  • Typical truck size values: 48 ft, 53 ft. (manage this in Admin)

[edit] part B:

Assign commodities to each truck (as for containers)

Truck Info should be managed similarly to containers:

  • lines with truck size / seal# / trailer id
  • assign to commod line function
  • note: num of trucks should be a drop down
  • validation: all fields are optional


  • Truck Dom
  • Truck Air
  • Truck Ocean

ASN 1 vs ASN2:

  • on ASN 1 leave as is
  • implement only for ASN 2 users (Generic user)

Pick Up Trucker vs Delivery Trucker:

  • on ASN it is just one set of values
  • value on ASN will populate both Pick Up and Delivery trucker (in some cases there is a pool point then load is transferred from one truck to another)
  • on internal present both options (PU and Delivery)

See mock up below: (could be optimized by developer):

NOTE! We should also have container number to the right of checkbox as on container table.

File:Truck table.JPG


  • Currently no related reports were requested

[edit] CRW 9 Re-design Container size and type admin

mantis: TBD

spec: see below

Add flag to each item: include or exclude item when this list shows through portal.

(This is to exclude "LCL" value from portal - they use it for internal)

[edit] UAT 3

[edit] CRW 10 New dims and CBM management v 2.0

mantis: TBD

spec: see below

  • Leave only per commodity line option
  • For option above two sub options as before: Dims and Non-Dims
  • Non-Dims option:
    • enter cbm or cft per line as is now
  • Dims option:
    • enter multiple lines per commodity item in pop-up (sick on "dims" button), system will calculate total
    • see mock up below
    • in pop-up:
      • by default display one line in the pop up form for all pls (we assume they all of the same size) and one line for loose (assume same - they are of the same size); pre-fill plt count and loose count; see mock up - pop up is for line one
      • user can add/remove lines, etc as is now on similar form we use to enter dims for entire table

Bellow pop up will show if user clicks "Dims" for first line above:

[edit] CRW 11 Planner: Remove option to set shipment status to “NEW” on the New tab


spec: see below

On the Planner Shipment List NEW tab – remove the option to set approval status to NEW. Also in detailed view remove the button “set new” for shipments that are already NEW.

File:Eliminate New 1.jpg File:Eliminate New 2.jpg

[edit] CRW 12 – Add confirmation when sending ASN transmit to external 3PL.

mantis: 0003819

spec: see below

Once an ASN is transmitted to external 3PL, we need to add a note in the HISTORY and COM tab.

File:ASN Transmit 1.jpg

File:ASN Transmit 2.jpg

[edit] CRW 13 Planner/SuperPlanner ability to change Mode of Transport

mantis: 3826

spec: see below

Planner and SuperPlanner needs the ability to change the Mode of Transport when they approve shipments. This was part of the original functional requirements and is critical for the demo version.

See #Approval with Changing MOT

[edit] CRW 14 Support multiple currencies when entering in Piece Price


spec: see below

Shippers need the ability to change the currency when entering Piece Price. This is a critical component of international ASN as we cannot force all shippers to enter in USD.

The shipper should be able to select the currency in the Piece Price field similar to how they can select (Lb or Kg) in Tlt GW field.

The Tlt Value field should then use this new currency – do not allow shipper to adjust currency in Ttl Value field. It should be read-only.

Currencies that need to be supported: USD (US Dollars), EUR (Euro), GBP (Great British Pound)

NOTE 1: If user enters value with USD selected and then changes USD to another currency there will be NO conversion of old value into the new using cur exchange.

NOTE 2: In the future (post Demo Ver) we need to manage list of currencies available / defaults in Portal profile.

[edit] CRW 15 Dims Management - One line case


spec: see below

When entering in Dims, if there is 0 Loose pkgs or 0 Plts, then it should default only 1 line item in the Dims table. Right now, the Dims table defaults to 2 lines and assumes that a shipper will send Pallets and Loose packages.

The reasoning behind this is a shipper only ships Pallets, they are usually the same size so they won’t need to enter in multiple dimensions.

However, they will need the ability to add additional dimensions if pallets are different sizes.

Same holds true if they are shipping just loose packages. This change is only to modify the current default lines available to the shipper.

[edit] CRW 16 Dims Management Layout on ASN form


spec: see below

Add label “Dimensions Management” to the dims radio buttons on ASN form.

Move the two radio buttons to right side of Commodity Description.

Move Mode/Submode dropdown to level vertically with button of Created By textbox.

Add sentences next to “Non-Dims” and “Dims” radio buttons to describe functionality.

[edit] CRW 17 Total GW should be 2 decimal places


spec: see below

Total GW should be 2 decimal places as that is an industry standard.

It currently displays a 3 decimal places.

[edit] CRW 18 ASN Form (layout)


spec: see below

Move Ttl HU, Cubic M, Cubic Ft to right side of Ttl Value.

Most shippers do not enter in dimensions until after they’ve entered weight & price, so this is just to conform to their normal day-to-day processes.

[edit] CRW 19 Download to Excel – mimic flexible shipments list


spec: see below

They want the Download to Excel feature to mimic flexible shipments list design.

Instead of the current popup where users select fields, they want it to look like the flexible shipments list and they want the “selected” and “not-selected” fields to default to the current state of the user’s shipment list configuration.

[edit] CRW 20 ASN Form – Add UNDEFINED to Mode/Submode dropdown list


spec: see below

When a shipper enters in an ASN, rather than leave this dropdown blank to force the Planner/SuperPlanner to assign a MOT – Simon/Marc wants it to be replaced with UNDEFINED and wants it to default to UNDEFINED.

[edit] CRW 21 Hide Meters & Feet from optional units of value in Dims module


spec: see below

Marc and Simon were very adamant about hiding this option from the Dims module. Rather than deleting the option, can we think about hiding it in the dropdown for both internal CT2 & ASN2.0?

[edit] CRW 22 Shipments List header should be sizable


spec: see below

Column width on Shipments List should be sizable (as on Client App).

See mock up below:

File:Resizable columns.JPG

Width for every column will be saved (user specific).

[edit] CRW 23 Re-design Haz feature


spec: see below

  • add Haz/Non-haz flag to each commodity item
  • "CT level Haz/non haz flag" (existing) will not be editable by user anymore - it will be calculated based on the Rule below:
"HNH Rule: If at least one commodity line is Haz then entire shipment is Haz"
  • if planner is splitting ASN and forming new CTs then system will analyze each new CT and set CT level haz/non-haz option to haz or non-haz based on the Rule above
  • implement above for both ASN 2.0 and Internal
  • (!) also, add "Hazardous Note" text field to ASN form (please note that such field already exists in DB and on internal - see "Gen Tab. 23. Hazardous Note")

[edit] CRW 24 Changes to Portal Admin. Transport Mode Tab and related ASN Form validation


spec: see below

1) ASN Admin Portal > Transport Modes Tab > item > default option > Transmit To dropdown will have option "none".

In this case Client Company dropdown will be hidden.

This will mean that any other configurations as far as rules are invalid - see also below.

2) On ASN Form, on Save system will validate 4 fields (Shipper, Consignee, Pick Up Location, Delivery To) against equivalent filters defined on Transport Modes Tab. If they do not match error will be produced:

You are not allowed to create ASN with such combination of Shipper, Pick Up Location, Ship To Location values. 
Please change one  or all of these fields and re-submit.

[edit] To do

  • case
    • CT created.
    • Approval logic changed.
    • What approval logic to apply? Current logic.
  • Change of settings in portal profile will not propagate into existing shipper/planner. Is this OK?

[edit] Misc

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