CT Groups Ops Component

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== Ver 3.0 ==
== Requirements ==
<I>Updated: may 20, 2009 </I>
<p>Several CT could be "groupped". Motivation behind that: </p>
<p>Several CT could be "groupped". Motivation behind that: </p>
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== Design Ver 3.0 ==
<H2>B.1 "Group update" for fields on Gen, Exp, Imp CT tabs </H2>
<H2>B.1 "Group update" for fields on Gen, Exp, Imp CT tabs </H2>
Line 173: Line 173:
System should allow to group shipments that are already part of one master. Now it gives error.
System should allow to group shipments that are already part of one master. Now it gives error.
== History ==
=== 0003178: [Ops.Groups] Optimize ungrouping shipments functionality ===
Ungrouping Shipments is taking too long and causing processing errors

Current revision as of 19:25, 23 November 2011


[edit] Requirements

Several CT could be "groupped". Motivation behind that:

  • to be able to apply "same operation" to every CT with one click. For example you could change value of one CT field on multiple CT's
  • generate pdf documents that "desribe" combined "values" from multiple CTs
  • post comments into multiple CTs with one click
  • see P/L report for combined CTs
  • etc

[edit] Design Ver 3.0

B.1 "Group update" for fields on Gen, Exp, Imp CT tabs

B.1.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Save" button would appear

B.1.2) "Group Save" button on click produces pop-up where you can select all or just some CTs from a group 

B.1.3a) on "OK"  System would update selected CTs in addition to current CT

B.1.3b) Only SOME fields can be updated for multiple CTs:

B.1.3gen) "Group fields" for Gen tab: 

A. B. C. D.
EO, E1, E2, E3
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

B.1.3exp) "Group fields" for Export Tab: 

AIR: 1. & 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields

OCN: 1, 2, 3, 11a, 15a (11a and 15a: include both calendars for each field as well) 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields

B.1.3imp) "Group fields" for Imp Tab: 

all fields

B.2 "Group update" for Internal Cooments, Comments, EQuery CT, File Upload tabs

B.2.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Operation" button would appear

B.2.2) "Group Operation" button on click produces pop-up 
(see http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/ops/groups/UI/UI_apply_to_selected_CTs.JPG)

B.2.3) on "OK" (see above) System would update selected CTs in addition to current one. "Operation" would be applied to ALL selected CTs 

B.2.3icom) "Operation" for Internal Cooments is "insert/email comment" 
B.2.3com) "Operation" for Cooments is "insert/email comment" 
B.2.3ieq) "Operation" for EQuery CT is "insert/email query" 
B.2.3ifu) "Operation" for File Upload is "upload file" 

c) "Group update" for pdfDocs

In general for each pdf there would be a way to generate one doc for all CTs in a group (or a subset).
Some Info on pdf (like HUs) would be combined info from all selected CTs.
See specific pdf design doc for specific specs.


  • see related UI <A HREF="../UI/">here</A>

[Create/Edit/Del group. Add/Remove CT from group.]

A1)  To create a group, system must require at least 2 CT's.

A2)  A group for which less than 2 CT's are attached to is "void" (no longer a group) 
(Related to nimber 1)

A3)  Given CT can only be a part of ONE group

A4)  When group is created "Transport Mode" and "Client Company" must be specified.

new ====> A4b)  (may 26 2009) Groups have only ONE "truck mode", not 3 truck modes like CT have

A5)  If a CT is added to a group then CT's Mode, client (E0), will be updated to client (E0) and Mode that the group is set to.   

new ====> A5b) (may 26 2009) If group's MOT ="truck" then only CT's with MOT = truck-dom OR, truck-air OR truck-ocean can be added

new ====> A5c)  if group X has MOT="truck" can we change it to another MOT, say "air"??? yes.

A7) Group's "Client Company" parameter could be changed at any time. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.

A8) Group's "MOT(mode)" parameter could be changed. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.

A9) [MOT lock] After CT becomes part of the group MOT on general tab must become read-only

A10) If user deletes CT from a system it should disappear from the group

A11) Max number of CTs in group = 40

A12) If CT1 is a part of GR1 and user is trying to add CT1 to GR2 system will complain: "CT is already a part of another group". To MOVE CT from one group to another user must do 2 steps: delete CT from its group and then add to another group.

[Master related]

Am1)  System should prevent changing MOT of the group if group is a part of a Master.

Am2)  If we add/remove ANY groupped together CTs to/from a Master then automatically ALL of them are added/removed to/from the master (! update Master's M/CT Maping tab immediately)

Am3)   If CT1, CT2, ... are part of same group and user executes "create M base on this CT" operation for one of the CTs then ALL remaining CTs become part of that master 

Am4)  If user removes CT out of G that is a part of a Master then CT should:
a) be removed from M
b) be set in a "CT initial state" (MOT=undefined, containers=none)

Am5)  If user adds a CT to a G that is a part of a Master then CT should be added to M

Am6) Master can contain a mix of multiple groups and "stand alone" CTs

Am7) Assume: 
CT belongs to M
group G doesnt belong to M
User is trying to move this CT to this G
system must prohibit this action


N1) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1 
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS NOT a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).

N2) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1 
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).

=======all below is  from Mantis - do we already have that? ===

* if CT X is a part of a Master Y then X can be added only to group that is a part of master Y (or if added to group that is a part of master Z simply move X to Z?)
* after CT (not part of the group) removed from M then we keep CT mode, should we also set it to "undef" mode/remove containers?

[edit] Ver 3.1

[edit] Ver 3.2

  • add more "group fields" (should have a check box for group updates):
    • Export Tab: All fields that are not M fields
    • Import Tab: All fields

[edit] v3.3

System should allow to group shipments that are already part of one master. Now it gives error.

[edit] History

[edit] 0003178: [Ops.Groups] Optimize ungrouping shipments functionality

Ungrouping Shipments is taking too long and causing processing errors

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