CT Groups Ops Component

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== Requirements ==
<p>Several CT could be "groupped". Motivation behind that: </p>
<li>to be able to apply "same operation" to every CT with one click. For example you could change value of one CT field on multiple CT's
<li>generate pdf documents that "desribe" combined "values" from multiple CTs
<li>post comments into multiple CTs with one click
<li>see P/L report for combined CTs
== Design Ver 3.0 ==
<H2>B.1 "Group update" for fields on Gen, Exp, Imp CT tabs </H2>
B.1.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Save" button would appear
B.1.2) "Group Save" button on click produces pop-up where you can select all or just some CTs from a group
B.1.3a) on "OK"  System would update selected CTs in addition to current CT
B.1.3b) Only SOME fields can be updated for multiple CTs:
B.1.3gen) "Group fields" for Gen tab:
A. B. C. D.
EO, E1, E2, E3
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
B.1.3exp) "Group fields" for Export Tab:
AIR: 1. & 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields
OCN: 1, 2, 3, 11a, 15a (11a and 15a: include both calendars for each field as well) 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields
B.1.3imp) "Group fields" for Imp Tab:
all fields
<H2>B.2 "Group update" for Internal Cooments, Comments, EQuery CT, File Upload tabs </H2>
B.2.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Operation" button would appear
B.2.2) "Group Operation" button on click produces pop-up
(see http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/ops/groups/UI/UI_apply_to_selected_CTs.JPG)
B.2.3) on "OK" (see above) System would update selected CTs in addition to current one. "Operation" would be applied to ALL selected CTs
B.2.3icom) "Operation" for Internal Cooments is "insert/email comment"
B.2.3com) "Operation" for Cooments is "insert/email comment"
B.2.3ieq) "Operation" for EQuery CT is "insert/email query"
B.2.3ifu) "Operation" for File Upload is "upload file"
<H2>c) "Group update" for pdfDocs</H2>
In general for each pdf there would be a way to generate one doc for all CTs in a group (or a subset).
Some Info on pdf (like HUs) would be combined info from all selected CTs.
See specific pdf design doc for specific specs.
<LI> see related UI <A HREF="../UI/">here</A>
<H2>[Create/Edit/Del group. Add/Remove CT from group.]</H2>
A1)  To create a group, system must require at least 2 CT's.
A2)  A group for which less than 2 CT's are attached to is "void" (no longer a group)
(Related to nimber 1)
A3)  Given CT can only be a part of ONE group
A4)  When group is created "Transport Mode" and "Client Company" must be specified.
new ====> A4b)  (may 26 2009) Groups have only ONE "truck mode", not 3 truck modes like CT have
A5)  If a CT is added to a group then CT's Mode, client (E0), will be updated to client (E0) and Mode that the group is set to. 
new ====> A5b) (may 26 2009) If group's MOT ="truck" then only CT's with MOT = truck-dom OR, truck-air OR truck-ocean can be added
new ====> A5c)  if group X has MOT="truck" can we change it to another MOT, say "air"??? yes.
A7) Group's "Client Company" parameter could be changed at any time. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.
A8) Group's "MOT(mode)" parameter could be changed. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.
A9) [MOT lock] After CT becomes part of the group MOT on general tab must become read-only
A10) If user deletes CT from a system it should disappear from the group
A11) Max number of CTs in group = 40
A12) If CT1 is a part of GR1 and user is trying to add CT1 to GR2 system will complain: "CT is already a part of another group". To MOVE CT from one group to another user must do 2 steps: delete CT from its group and then add to another group.
<H2>[Master related]</H2>
Am1)  System should prevent changing MOT of the group if group is a part of a Master.
Am2)  If we add/remove ANY groupped together CTs to/from a Master then automatically ALL of them are added/removed to/from the master (! update Master's M/CT Maping tab immediately)
Am3)  If CT1, CT2, ... are part of same group and user executes "create M base on this CT" operation for one of the CTs then ALL remaining CTs become part of that master
Am4)  If user removes CT out of G that is a part of a Master then CT should:
a) be removed from M
b) be set in a "CT initial state" (MOT=undefined, containers=none)
Am5)  If user adds a CT to a G that is a part of a Master then CT should be added to M
Am6) Master can contain a mix of multiple groups and "stand alone" CTs
Am7) Assume:
CT belongs to M
group G doesnt belong to M
User is trying to move this CT to this G
system must prohibit this action
N1) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS NOT a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).
N2) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).
=======all below is  from Mantis - do we already have that? ===
* if CT X is a part of a Master Y then X can be added only to group that is a part of master Y (or if added to group that is a part of master Z simply move X to Z?)
* after CT (not part of the group) removed from M then we keep CT mode, should we also set it to "undef" mode/remove containers?
== Ver 3.1 ==
== Ver 3.2 ==
* add more "group fields" (should have a check box for group updates):
** Export Tab: All fields that are not M fields 
** Import Tab: All fields
== v3.3 ==
System should allow to group shipments that are already part of one master. Now it gives error.
== History ==
=== 0003178: [Ops.Groups] Optimize ungrouping shipments functionality ===
Ungrouping Shipments is taking too long and causing processing errors

Current revision as of 19:25, 23 November 2011


[edit] Requirements

Several CT could be "groupped". Motivation behind that:

  • to be able to apply "same operation" to every CT with one click. For example you could change value of one CT field on multiple CT's
  • generate pdf documents that "desribe" combined "values" from multiple CTs
  • post comments into multiple CTs with one click
  • see P/L report for combined CTs
  • etc

[edit] Design Ver 3.0

B.1 "Group update" for fields on Gen, Exp, Imp CT tabs

B.1.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Save" button would appear

B.1.2) "Group Save" button on click produces pop-up where you can select all or just some CTs from a group 

B.1.3a) on "OK"  System would update selected CTs in addition to current CT

B.1.3b) Only SOME fields can be updated for multiple CTs:

B.1.3gen) "Group fields" for Gen tab: 

A. B. C. D.
EO, E1, E2, E3
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

B.1.3exp) "Group fields" for Export Tab: 

AIR: 1. & 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields

OCN: 1, 2, 3, 11a, 15a (11a and 15a: include both calendars for each field as well) 18.
-> Note: All the remaining fields (except 19) are "master" fields

B.1.3imp) "Group fields" for Imp Tab: 

all fields

B.2 "Group update" for Internal Cooments, Comments, EQuery CT, File Upload tabs

B.2.1) If CT is a part of a group then on a Gen, Imp, Exp tabs "Group Operation" button would appear

B.2.2) "Group Operation" button on click produces pop-up 
(see http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/ops/groups/UI/UI_apply_to_selected_CTs.JPG)

B.2.3) on "OK" (see above) System would update selected CTs in addition to current one. "Operation" would be applied to ALL selected CTs 

B.2.3icom) "Operation" for Internal Cooments is "insert/email comment" 
B.2.3com) "Operation" for Cooments is "insert/email comment" 
B.2.3ieq) "Operation" for EQuery CT is "insert/email query" 
B.2.3ifu) "Operation" for File Upload is "upload file" 

c) "Group update" for pdfDocs

In general for each pdf there would be a way to generate one doc for all CTs in a group (or a subset).
Some Info on pdf (like HUs) would be combined info from all selected CTs.
See specific pdf design doc for specific specs.


  • see related UI <A HREF="../UI/">here</A>

[Create/Edit/Del group. Add/Remove CT from group.]

A1)  To create a group, system must require at least 2 CT's.

A2)  A group for which less than 2 CT's are attached to is "void" (no longer a group) 
(Related to nimber 1)

A3)  Given CT can only be a part of ONE group

A4)  When group is created "Transport Mode" and "Client Company" must be specified.

new ====> A4b)  (may 26 2009) Groups have only ONE "truck mode", not 3 truck modes like CT have

A5)  If a CT is added to a group then CT's Mode, client (E0), will be updated to client (E0) and Mode that the group is set to.   

new ====> A5b) (may 26 2009) If group's MOT ="truck" then only CT's with MOT = truck-dom OR, truck-air OR truck-ocean can be added

new ====> A5c)  if group X has MOT="truck" can we change it to another MOT, say "air"??? yes.

A7) Group's "Client Company" parameter could be changed at any time. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.

A8) Group's "MOT(mode)" parameter could be changed. Then all groups member CT's Client are "force-changed" to new value.

A9) [MOT lock] After CT becomes part of the group MOT on general tab must become read-only

A10) If user deletes CT from a system it should disappear from the group

A11) Max number of CTs in group = 40

A12) If CT1 is a part of GR1 and user is trying to add CT1 to GR2 system will complain: "CT is already a part of another group". To MOVE CT from one group to another user must do 2 steps: delete CT from its group and then add to another group.

[Master related]

Am1)  System should prevent changing MOT of the group if group is a part of a Master.

Am2)  If we add/remove ANY groupped together CTs to/from a Master then automatically ALL of them are added/removed to/from the master (! update Master's M/CT Maping tab immediately)

Am3)   If CT1, CT2, ... are part of same group and user executes "create M base on this CT" operation for one of the CTs then ALL remaining CTs become part of that master 

Am4)  If user removes CT out of G that is a part of a Master then CT should:
a) be removed from M
b) be set in a "CT initial state" (MOT=undefined, containers=none)

Am5)  If user adds a CT to a G that is a part of a Master then CT should be added to M

Am6) Master can contain a mix of multiple groups and "stand alone" CTs

Am7) Assume: 
CT belongs to M
group G doesnt belong to M
User is trying to move this CT to this G
system must prohibit this action


N1) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1 
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS NOT a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).

N2) [test case] If CT X is a part of a group G1 and G1 ia a part of a Master M1 
and user is trying to add X to a group G2 that IS a part of master M1 then system should prohibit and complain
(because of A12 requirement above).

=======all below is  from Mantis - do we already have that? ===

* if CT X is a part of a Master Y then X can be added only to group that is a part of master Y (or if added to group that is a part of master Z simply move X to Z?)
* after CT (not part of the group) removed from M then we keep CT mode, should we also set it to "undef" mode/remove containers?

[edit] Ver 3.1

[edit] Ver 3.2

  • add more "group fields" (should have a check box for group updates):
    • Export Tab: All fields that are not M fields
    • Import Tab: All fields

[edit] v3.3

System should allow to group shipments that are already part of one master. Now it gives error.

[edit] History

[edit] 0003178: [Ops.Groups] Optimize ungrouping shipments functionality

Ungrouping Shipments is taking too long and causing processing errors

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