2011 May Sprint

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(Major projects as defined by CT2 Board of Directors)
(Business processes defined in this Sprint)
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* August 18
* August 18
== Business processes defined in this Sprint ==
== Business processes defined/clarified and Important messages in this Sprint ==

Revision as of 15:37, 28 June 2011



Sprint Info
Start: May 30 Mon
Staging: July 4 Mon
Prod: July 7 Thu
Days in Kiev 25 
Days in NY: 24
Holidays: 1 (Troica)


Dev Plan

See mantis.

Dev Sprint updates


This Sprint Deliverables to Board of Directors for Major projects (as defined by Simon)

4 projects below are TOP Projects (as defined by Simon).

I committed to the following this Sprint (to Jaguar Board of Directors):

  • 1. Dashboard Reports/KPIs
    • in Development stage
    • Phase 1 to be delivered:
      • Cost Per Pound external KPI
      • Past Due Arrivals internal KPI
      • possibly proof of concept/limited functionality for one more KPI (Average Times)
  • 2. Rates DB
    • in Development stage
    • Phase 1 to be delivered. Includes:
      • Database structure (core)
      • Rates editor/viewer (simple version)
  • 3. International Portal
    • in Development stage
    • Phase 1 to be delivered. Includes:
      • Database structure (core)
      • Extended shipper role (covers additional MOTs Air and Ocean)
  • 4. Smartphone Application
    • in Business Analysis stage
      • Detailed Business requirements to be delivered

2011 Release schedule:

  • July 7
  • August 18

Business processes defined/clarified and Important messages in this Sprint

WU Backlog

This is a new project added as a last phase. We need this to separate tasks that came to WU from current Sprint from tasks that are waiting for WU since previous Sprints. Sprint Manager is to move tasks to this folder.

Release Notes to be created by BAs at UAT phase

Phase UAT was renamed into UAT/RN to reflect the fact that during that phase BAs are also responsible to create RN (Release note) for every mantis to be released.

Release Note (for specific mantis or feature) is a summary (1-3 paragraphs) of info to be included into Release Notes and explains to end user what is this feature/bugfix/tweak/etc is about. This was requested by Simon.

See new format for RN here:

RN is to be posted into mantis note (see example below). This will be collected by Support Engineer, assembled into RN and passed to Sprint Manager for review and Sys Admin to include into "New Release" message at the time of release.

Below is example for 0002931: [KPI] (External KPIs) Cost per pound (Level 2). Add more options.

Rel Notes
Two additional options has been added as a choice for Axis X to this report: a "Consignees" and 
"Shippers" (Suppliers). Both options support line or a pie chart visualization.

New Rel Notes will be consolidated here (work in progress): Release Notes v2.17 May June

Proto phase and proto field has been added

This is a new phase added for new components build without detailed designs. Before sending finalized feature to QA developer he will submit prototype to BA.

This task is to be assigned be assigned to QA with proto mantis field set to Y.

QA is to deploy this and to move to Proto folder and assign to BA.

See also diagram.

Completed by developers tasks is to be deployed to Demo server by QA engineer daily

QA engineer is to:

  • find all completed by developers tasks in Dev, DevPull, Proto, QA folders
  • to deploy new version of code to demo site
  • to move to appropriate folder as required and assign to BA or QA as appropriate
  • do it once a day at least

Pre-Implementation and Post-Implementation Notes must be posted by developers in many cases

In cases when design is not well defined Pre-Implementation Notes must be posted into mantis before coding by developer.

Post-Implementation Notes must be submitted before Proto and QA if spec or previous notes provide no info regarding what was created.

Example (note 0009982 from 0003041: [Rates DB] (MOT Air) (ph1) Implement Contract Upload feature):

Pre-Implem Notes
Upload procedure:
1.	User selects a menu item Acc/Rate Contracts/Rate Contract’s Upload
2.	There will be preliminary form which user should fill before chosing the file with Rate 
3.	In this form user should indicate
  a.	Name of contract
  b.	Airline or JaguarVendor for which the contract will be uploaded
  c.	Comments for this contract (optionally)
  d.	ChargeCode for this contract (one)
  e.	Included ChargeCodes for this contract (multiply)
4.	After filling this form user clicks button “Chose Contract Rate file” choses file and clicks
button “Upload”
5.	System will automatically update RateDatabase according to this file 
6.	First level of automatically updating Database will be only for one format of RateContracts 

Example from 0002412: [Internal Dash Reps] 1) Create "past due arrivals" DR 2) Add ability to define DR for specific group of users:

Post-Implem Notes
1) "past due arrivals" Dash Rep (DR) was created
* This rep has level 1 that consists of label and counter (num of CTs).
* Counter is a hyperlink
* click on hyperlink should open xls with past due arrivals report (existing report)
2) Add ability to define DR for specific group of users
Scheduled Reps panel will have added functionality to assign one or many Dash Reports to specific  
1) All dash reports assigned to user will show up in ONE panel on Internal Dashboard (Homepage)
2) Only one (past due) will work the rest of them are not fully functional

WU notes must be posted in some cases

"WU notes" is a type of mantis note that contains information that:

  • was missing in spec and needs to be added during WU phase (type: add) OR
  • should replace some existing info in spec (type: replace) OR
  • should be deleted from spec (type: delete)

It could be posted by QA or UAT engineers or developers or anyone who discovered gaps in specs or Implementation notes.

Example from 0002412: [Internal Dash Reps] 1) Create "past due arrivals" DR 2) Add ability to define DR for specific group of users:

WU Notes
Warning: Counter updates one time per hour but click on hyperlink opens xls
 result with real time information (number of shipments would differ from
counter on level one).

This info will be found by engineer who is responsible by Wiki Updates and and applied to spec in WU phase.

UAT to WU transition


  • completes UAT
  • posts RN note
  • sets task as "completed"

After that:

Sprint Manager/Architect:

  • reviews
  • moves to WU folder
  • assigns to who will do WU
  • (optional) posts note indicating wiki article where to post WU for this task and what subcomponent mantis to link to (if this is not straightforward)

CT2 projects vs CT2 subcomponents

File:CT2 projects vs subcomponents.JPG

BAPM is personally responsible for success or failure of a project/task

Once again I would like to remind that:

  • each Sprint we have 4-7 key concurrent projects
  • BA/PM is personally responsible for failure or success which means they need to be proactive, have up to date plans, regular meetings with a project team, etc
  • you can escalate serious issues to Sprint Manager but daily work and decision making is on you
  • feel free to invite Sprint Manager/Architect to be part of your weekly project meetings (sometimes)

I will be honest - I am not very happy at the moment about how BA/PMs handle project management role. But I believe you can fix this soon.

Weekly update meetings and report between BAPM and Sprint Manager and Sprint Manager and Jaguar Executive/CT2 Board and President

  • Once a week I will have 1-1.5 hour voice over Skype individual update meetings with every BAPM:
    • Tracie: Tuesday 10:00-11:30am EST
    • Tira: Thursday 10:00-11:30am EST
    • Denise: Wednesday 10:00-11:30am EST
  • Weekly Reports. I am thinking now in what format I need them
  • Once a week I have to report to Jaguar Executive/CT2 Board and President about our progress. This is of course will be based on your reports. I will have to update the President on each key project as well as on your performance.
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