Cybertrax 2.1 Client (UAT)

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(Jag Internal NPA Process)
Line 650: Line 650:
* Create a new pending address for one transportation, then create the same pending address for another transportation
* Create a new pending address for one transportation, then create the same pending address for another transportation
** BUG - After set closed - one of them is closed but not the other one
** BUG - After set closed - one of them is closed but not the other one
* View address
** OK
* View: list all the CTs that use this address with planner authorization status, Created on date and created by.
** OK
* View: CTs with hyperlink
** OK
NEED TO Clarify!!!
NEED TO Clarify!!!
* New pending address will not be available for Jaguar operator who edit CTs on shipper, consignee, location...etc fields until this new pending address has been approved by a Jaguar Superuser
* New pending address will not be available for Jaguar operator who edit CTs on shipper, consignee, location...etc fields until this new pending address has been approved by a Jaguar Superuser
    * New pending address will not be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature, because user should not replace an unapproved address with another unapproved address.
** [[TBD]]
    * New pending address will be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature once superuser approves this new pending address.
* New pending address will not be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature, because user should not replace an unapproved address with another unapproved address.
    * View new requested address will also list all the CTs that use this address with planner authorization status, Created on date and created by.
** OK
    * Allow Show only US and Canadian addresses
* New pending address will be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature once superuser approves this new pending address.
** [[TBD]]
* Buttons"
Functionality for a Jag internal superuser to approve an address through:
:* Prev: OK
:* Next: OK
    * View Address
:* Edit: OK
:* Replace from Address book: OK
        * Pop-up window with address info
:* Set closed: OK
        * also buttons:
              o Prev: This button is for user to view the previous new pending address on the list of new pending address without returning back to the list of addresses view page.
              o Next: This button is for user to view the next new pending address on the list of new pending address without returning back to the list of addresses view page
              o Edit: This button is for user to edit address information before approving a new pending address(Set closed). In the case of an existing address that has Delivery Location or Pick Up Location requested to add by a shipper, Superusers have to edit this address and set proper location fields.
                    + For example, if the new pending address requested to add Delivery Location(T5) or (T5) and (T7), Superusers have to edit this address to set appropriated locations.
              o Delete: This button displays only when the new pending address does not have any CT(s) referred to or have all reference CT(s)'s status as rejected by a planner.
              o Replace from Address book: This button displays only when the new pending address is created as "new" (not existed in the system)
              o Set closed : This button displays for all the new pending address requested. This is for an approval address.
    * Set Closed: This button displays for all the new pending address requested. This is for an approval address.
This will be a process for a Jag internal superuser to review an address.
    * First, superuser has to review the address information requested by a shipper by looking at the requested status.
          o If the company address requested status is "Created New", they'll have to check an address information entered by shipper against the existing address on address book to see if its new. If it is, superuser can view and approve by clicking "Set closed." This address can be deleted if this address is referred to all rejected CT(s) or there is no any CTs referred to.
          o If the company address requested status is "Pick Up Location" or "Delivery Location", they'll have to view and edit an appropriated transportation field(s) before setting an approval.
    * Second, they have to approve the new address by clicking on "Set closed". System will update the approved address on the CT record accordingly.
    * Once Jag superuser approves or updates an address, the address will also become available in the shipper application address book.
== Log out ==
== Log out ==

Revision as of 18:56, 28 July 2010


Core Shipper Functionality

Create User with Shipper Role

  • case: Shipper User created with "E0.ClientCompany:" = X; 1 month later "E0.ClientCompany:" is set to Y. What (should) happen?
    • need to ask MO
  • case: Shipper User created with "Shipper(T1):" = X; 1 month later "Shipper(T1):" is set to Y. What (should) happen?
    • need to update spec

Create CT

  • case: Shipper = Pick up Location
    • OK
  • case: Shipper NOT EQUAL TO Pick up Location
    • OK
  • case: commodity table PO = empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table PO = NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Sku = empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Sku = NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Quantity = 0
    • cannot be 0, must be a # greater than 0 - OK
  • case: commodity table Quantity = NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Item Description = empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Item Description = NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table #plt = 0
    • OK according to rule
  • case: commodity table pkgs / plts = 0
    • If # of pallets NOT = to 0, then # of pkgs CANNOT = 0 - OK
  • case: commodity table = pkgs / plts NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table loose pkgs = 0
    • OK according to rule
  • case: commodity table TTL GW = 0
    • cannot be 0, must be a # greater than 0 - OK
  • case: commodity table TTL GW = NOT empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Piece Price = 0.00
    • cannot be 0.00, must be a # greater than 0.00 - OK
  • case: commodity table Piece Price NOT = empty
    • OK
  • case: commodity table = Total Value
    • See above piece price - OK
  • case: commodity table Haz = N
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Haz = Y
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Stack = N
    • OK
  • case: commodity table Stack = Y
    • OK
  • case: Default for commodity table Haz = N
    • OK
  • case: Default for commodity table Stack = Y
    • OK
  • case: Created by
    • First and Last name
      • OK
    • Date and Time (EST)
      • Need to discuss with MO about EDT and EST thing(server default setting)
  • case: CT preview and disclaimer screen
    • OK
  • case: CT confirmation screen
    • OK
  • case: Constraint on the number of lines in Commodity table in CTs created by Shipper User
    • OK
  • case: Show only US and Canadian addresses
    • OK
  • case: Mark validation clearly
    • OK

View CTs

  • case: search line
    • working
      • ok
    • Clear button
      • ok

Edit CT

  • case: checkbox CT, click edit CT
    • OK
  • case: edit ANY field = Y
    • OK
  • case: edit ANY field = N
    • OK

View CT

  • case: checkbox CT, click view CT
    • OK

Clone CT

  • case: checkbox CT, click clone CT
    • OK
  • case: change ANY field = Y
    • OK
  • case: change ANY field = N
    • OK

Delete CT

  • case: Delete CT
    • OK

Core Planner Functionality

Create User with Planner Role

  • case: No User Roles
    • Cannot allow Admin to save it, user must have at least 1 role - OK
  • case: Create Planner User
    • OK
  • case: Create Planner User Role plus shipper role
    • OK
  • case: Create Planner User with client role
    • OK
  • case: Create Planner User with client role, plus shipper role
    • OK
  • case: Create Planner User with client role, plus shipper role, plus planner role
    • OK

Set Approval Status

  • Set Approval Status
    • OK
  • case: Approve 1 CT at a time
    • OK
  • case: Approve multiple CTs at the same time
    • OK
  • case: Hold 1 CT at a time
    • OK
  • case: Hold multiple CTs at the same time
    • OK
  • case: Hold with a date 1 CT at a time
    • OK
  • case: Hold with a date multiple CTs at the same time
    • OK
  • case: Reject 1 CT at a time
    • OK
  • case: Reject multiple CTs at the same time
    • OK
  • case: Date constrain for approved for date: This date cannot be changed as the previous date is within 72 hours of today's date
    • functionality
      • OK
    • Message warning
      • "CT#XXXXXX: This date cannot be changed as the previous date is within 72 hours of today's date" - OK
  • case: Authorized status date and time (EST)
    • Have to let MO know that server is default to EDT and will be EST in Nov. - See response before doing anything

View CT

  • case: checkbox CT, click view CT
    • OK

Search Line

  • New Tab
    • ok
  • Approved Tab
    • ok
  • Hold Tab
    • ok
  • Reject Tab
    • ok

Sort Filter

  • CT
    • OK
  • Create On Date
    • OK
  • Pick Up Location
    • OK
  • Delivery Location
    • OK
  • PO
    • OK
  • Sku
    • OK
  • Qty
    • OK
  • Piece Price
    • OK
  • Total Value
    • OK


  • New
    • OK
  • Approved
    • OK
  • Hold
    • OK
  • Rejected
    • OK
  • Delivered
    • OK
  • Archived
    • OK

Core Jaguar Functionality

CT profile on Internal for CTs created by Shipper

  • Information
    • OK
  • Functionality
    • OK

Misc Functionality

Planner comments screen

  • Comment screen (content)
    • OK

Authorization History

  • Authorization history status screen (content)
    • OK


  • case: Create CT
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK
    • content
      • OK
  • case: Approve CT without a comment
  • Should not receive email notification
    • OK
  • case: Approve CT with a comment
  • Should not receive email notification
    • OK
  • case: Reject CT without a comment
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK - Still need to ask MO whether it does make sense to show this.
    • content
      • OK
  • case: Reject CT with a comment
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK - Still need to ask MO whether it does make sense to show this.
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK
  • case: Hold CT without a date and comment
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK - Still need to ask MO whether it does make sense to show this.
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK
  • case: Hold CT with comment but without date
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK - Still need to ask MO whether it does make sense to show this.
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK
  • case: Hold CT with date but without comment
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK - Still need to ask MO whether it does make sense to show this.
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK
  • case: Hold CT with a date and comment
    • First time
    • Update Approval for date with comment
    • Update Approval for date without comment
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK
  • case: Trucker is assigned by Jaguar
  • Receive email notification
    • OK
  • Format
    • space
      • OK
    • signature
      • OK
    • Show Jaguar Freight standard disclaimer on the footer
      • OK
    • content
      • OK
    • CT link
      • OK

One user with multiple roles feature

  • Shipper and Client
    • OK
  • Shipper and Planner
    • OK
  • Planner and Client
    • OK
  • Shipper, Planner, Client
    • OK

Admin for PO issued by CT field

  • Case: create a list of PO Issued by on Admin>Transportation
    • OK

Truck Domestic Stats TDS feature

TDS Dashboard Panel

  • case: Create JG user to see TDS panel
  • OK
  • case: TDS panel
  • Number of shipments
    • Approved status
      • Total - OK
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -6 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -5 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -4 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -3 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -2 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Yesterday
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Today
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
    • Routed status
      • Total
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • - 6 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -5 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -4 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -3 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -2 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Yesterday
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Today
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
    • Picked up Status
      • Total
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -6 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -5 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -4 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -3 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • -2 days
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Yesterday
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK
      • Today
        • Tab default - OK
        • Hyperlinks - OK (Comment: Pause at the TDS panel before going to the specific CT, can we do anything about that?)
        • Number of shipments - OK
        • List of columns - OK

TDS: Misc

  • Refresh frequency for Dashboard (30-60 sec)
    • OK
  • TDS option in Jag User profile
    • OK
  • Dashboard panel default to expand (or open)
    • OK

TDS: Shipment List

  • Approved Tab
  • OK
  • Routed Tab
  • OK
  • Picked up Tab
  • OK
  • Shipment List
  • OK

TDS: Filter

  • List of filters
  • OK
  • Working properly
  • OK
  • Reset and Apply filter button
  • OK

TDS: Update fields

  • Functionality
  • OK
  • List of fields to update
  • OK
  • Clear, Reset and Update fields button
  • OK
  • Back button
  • OK - Ask MO: should this button bring user back to the previous shipment list? make more sense? reduce unnecessary steps
  • Next button
  • OK
  • Update field button
  • OK - Ask MO: should we bring the user back to previous shipment list page with update info after user clicks OK button?
  • Open another tab for update fields
  • OK

TDS: Sorting

  • Sorting shipment list each column (Ascending, Descending)
    • OK


  • CT record that has an "Approved for delivery by" date, will show on the internal live tab 72 hours before the current "Approved for delivery" date set by planner.
    • OK
  • CT record that has been approved by planner, will show on the internal live tab
    • OK

New Pending Address (NPA) Feature

NPA Dashboard

  • Number of new pending addresses
    • OK
  • Number is frequently updated automatically (30-60 secs)
    • OK

Shipper NPA Process

  • Shipper should be able to add a pickup or delivery address if the address is not in the address book.
    • OK
  • All required fields are marked with asterisk (*)
    • OK
  • This allow users to create USA and Canadian addresses only for
    • BUG - this shows all the country at the moment, should not be
  • Same company, city but different address, different remark required
    • OK
  • Shipper creates a request to update existing address on the address book for appropriated transportation fields
    • OK
  • Update new created address
    • OK
  • Update new created address through edit info (text area)
    • BUG - This should be phase 2. Ask MO whether should we make this to be read only, since the info update in txt area will not take an action after save.
  • Preventing shipper to create many new same company address
    • OK
  • Address information entered should display inside of the text box area.
    • OK
  • New address entered by shipper should go through an "authorization process".
    • OK
  • Edit a saved CT's address for a new address created
    • OK

Jag Internal NPA Process

Under construction - Tira (spec needs to be changed regarding the new automatically design)

  • Show number of new pending addresses requested
    • OK
  • Hyperlink (Number to NPA list panel)
    • OK
  • NPA list panel shows proper information
    • OK
  • Status for Created New: New address requested to add into the system
    • OK
  • Status for Pick Up Location: This address is already existed on the address book but request to be set as Pick up Location as well
    • OK
  • Status for Delivery Location: This address is already existed on the address book but request to be set as Delivery Location as well
    • OK
  • Status for both Pick up and Delivery location request required JG to edit the proper transportation fields
    • BUG - warning message is showing after JG checked the proper fields
  • Create a new pending address for one transportation, then create the same pending address for another transportation
    • BUG - After set closed - one of them is closed but not the other one
  • View address
    • OK
  • View: list all the CTs that use this address with planner authorization status, Created on date and created by.
    • OK
  • View: CTs with hyperlink
    • OK

NEED TO Clarify!!!

  • New pending address will not be available for Jaguar operator who edit CTs on shipper, consignee, location...etc fields until this new pending address has been approved by a Jaguar Superuser
  • New pending address will not be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature, because user should not replace an unapproved address with another unapproved address.
    • OK
  • New pending address will be available on "Replace from Address Book" feature once superuser approves this new pending address.
  • Buttons"
  • Prev: OK
  • Next: OK
  • Edit: OK
  • Replace from Address book: OK
  • Set closed: OK

Log out

  • Bring to Log in page
    • OK
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