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[[Category:Ops Pdfs Old]]
[[File:Hawb.JPG|400px|thumb|Figure 1. Hawb pdf with sections breakdown]]
[[File:HAWB.jpg|100px|thumb|Figure 1. Hawb pdf. Large size]]
== Dev ==
This is original old spec. Content has been hidden. To view - see history.
* 0000574: [Ops.Pdfs.Air.CT.HAWB]
* old spec:
== Version 5.0 ==
This is Ver 5.0
== Top Section ==
* Filed: <logic>
* '''AIRWAYBILL NUMBER: '''  ET.Master Airway bill
* '''AIRWAYBILL ISSUED BY:  ''' Login Office abbrev + Login User's Fist and Last Name
* '''Logo:''' Login ofis logo
* -
* -
* '''ISSUING CARRIER'S AGENT NAME AND CITY:'''  <login office country>, <city>, <login user first name>, <login user last name>
* '''AGENT ATA CODE:  '''  empty
* '''ACCOUNT NO:  ''' empty
* '''... empty box...:  '''  empty
== Mid Section ==
* '''TO: '''  Airport Of Destination:
* '''BY FIRST CARRIER: ''' ET.Airline
* '''TO; BY; TO; BY ''' all empty
* '''CRNCY ''' - dropdown with all currencies (see Admin), default to login office curr
* '''CHGS:  ''' - read only 2-letter char string based on info in 2 fields: "WT/VA" and "OTHER"
* '''WT/VA ''' - radio group, pre-fill based on ET.Freight
* '''OTHER ''' - radio group, pre-fill based on ET.Freight
* '''AIRPORT OF DESTINATION:'''  Airport Of Destination:
* '''FLIGHT:''' ET.Flight One #
* '''DATE:'''ETD - Est Time of Dept
* '''AMOUNT OF INSURANCE:''' empty??
* '''empty box:''' empty
== Commod Section ==
[[File:HAWBCommodSecForGroups.JPG|thumb|600px|HAWB Commod Sec For Groups]]
=== Haz vs Non-Haz ===
* This is a table with 6 lines: 3 lines for Haz and 3 lines for Non-Haz info
* If CT is only Haz then show only Haz lines (utilize top 3 lines, bottom 3 would be empty)
* If CT is only non-Haz then show only non-Haz lines (utilize top 3 lines, bottom 3 would be empty)
* If CT is a mix of Haz/Non Haz then utilize top 3 lines fo Haz and bottom 3 for Non Haz)
=== Fields ===
* '''NO. OF PIECES''' CT.TableA.Ttl HU
* '''GROSS WEIGHT'''  CT.TableA.Ttl G kg
* '''kg/lbs dropdown''' re-calc on the fly
* '''RATE''' pre-fill first line to "Q"
* '''CHARGEABLE WEIGHT''' pre-fill first line to ET.Chargeable weight
* '''TOTALS'''
=== Totals line ===
=== Editing Features ===
* Line Up/Down
* Writing Across
=== Mapping from Template to pdf ===
=== Special case: CT Groups ===
== Bottom Section ==
== Version 5.1 ==
[[File:Hawb_blank.GIF|200px|thumb| File:Hawb_blank]]
Apply specs below over Ver 5.0 specs.
* '''qa=fail''' [ss1] This doc will be printed on pre-printed paper. Size: Letter. it means we need to re-allign all fields; remove lines and some static text See Fig. Hawb_blank
** '''qa=pass''' [ss1b (new)] Pls leave old version (not on pre-printed) as well in template's dropdown.
* '''qa=pass''' [ss2] IF Haz=true THEN Add to "handling info" textarea this text: "Dangerous goods as per attached shippers Dangerous Goods Declaration"
* [ss3] (-)
* '''qa=pass''' [ss4] Top left corner should have ExpTab.Master Airway bill
=== Commod Table ===
* Apply this spec: /wiki/Commodity_Table_for_Pdfs#Version_5.0_Textarea_based
* '''(??)''' Now it does not have delete, insert, line up/down because it is 1-page doc. Is it OK?
=== Special case: multipage ===
* '''(??)''' This document can not be more than 1 page. At the same time system would generate 2nd page if user enters too many lines into text areas in commod table. User can preview and reduce until all fits in one page. Is that good enough or we need validation / warnings or automatically cut off overflow???
=== Known bugs ===
* '''qa=pass''' [b1] see HAWBbugLongDescriptionDistribution.JPG in
== Version 5.1.b ==
* ss1 // Top left corner ExpTab.Master Airway bill move 5 chars to the right
* ss2 // in box where logo is:
** leave only logo and at the top left corner print "AIRWAYBILL ISSUED BY:"
* ss3 // at the top right box rename "reference number" with "HAWB#"
* ss4 // in Bottom Section: in this sentence "JAGUARFREIGHT New York AS AGENT FOR SHIPPER" reduce font slightly and insert "SERVICES" AFTER "FREIGHT"
* SS5 // in box below, for this line: "Executed on (date) 28 Aug 2009 at (place) New York Prepared by: Alex D" do this:
** increase font slightly
** print as 2 lines: "Executed on (date) 28 Aug 2009 at (place) New York" + "Prepared by: Alex D"
* ss6 (important!) // this doc can not be more than 1 page so if system see that 2nd page would be generated - give error pop-up to the user and do not print, ... if that can't be done what would be alternative solutions to this problem ??
== Version 5.1.c ==
* ss1 // System must detect if amount of data in commodity table so large that 1st page is not enough and give pop-up error to user "Please reduce number of lines in commodity table section. This document can not have more than 1 page." and block pdf generation.
* bug1 // "Insert" button is missing
* bug2 // In pdfs doc dropdown it should say "HAWB", not "House AirWay Bill Of Lading"
== Version 5.1.d ==
[[File:NotPrePrintHAWBAfter.JPG|thumb|100 px|NotPrrePrintHAWBAfter]]
[[File:HAWBpdf.JPG|thumb|100 px|HAWBpdf]]
Not-Pre-Print pdf
* ss1) remove US and name of person who issues the document
* ss2) Expand section A) vertically as much as we can to make the last bottom line is closer to the bottom of the page and space of the section A) is longer
'''NOTE 1:''' Please see HAWBpdf.JPG for more explanation and see NotPrePrintHAWBAfter.JPG for what this pdf should look like.
'''NOTE 2:''' Pre-Print version needs to be implemented as well. Right now all data is overlap to the layout of pre-print paper(Print by dot-matrix).
'''QA for Natalia:''' Do you have some example of the pre-print papers? Please let me know if you would like us to send some to you in order to implement and test on the real paper.
== Version 5.1.e ==
* ss1 // bug: Info that is pulled from GenTab.15 is repeated 2 times
* ss2 // in commod table header, print RATE/ on 1st line and CHARGE on 2nd
* ss3 // bug: values in KG/LB column are missing on all lines but totals
* ss4 // everywhere in this doc change font type/size to "standard" that we use in pdfs (say in Arrival Notice)
* ss5 // left allign values (as we normally do) for Shipper, Consignee, Issuing Carrier's Agent Name and City 
* ss6 // set standard font for value for "Aount of Insurance"
* ss7 // value for date is should be on the same horizontal line as other values like Flight
* ss8 // this sentence "Jaguar Freight Services New York as agent for shipper" should be in this case
* ss9 // change what to show on pdf under "ISSUING CARRIER'S AGENT NAME AND CITY". Show :
Jaguarfreight Services
<login office city>
Jaguarfreight Services
New York
* ss10 // In bottom left section ("Weight charge" box and all boxes under it) values should be bold and in slightly larger font
* ss11 // Hide dropdown with "pre-printed"
* ss12 // "Agent", not "agen"; "PP/CC", not "PP/C"
* ss13 // position Jaguar logo in the center of the box that contains it
* ss14 // center allign HAWB# value
== Ver 5.2 ==
* ss1 // number of typos; proofread this doc
    * ss2 // bug: some lines in commodity table are squiggly - similar to "squiggly lines and not fully printed lables.JPG" - see attached to mantis 1100
    * ss3 // unbold labels for "top section" - see [^]
    * ss4 // print "These commodities ..." and "Diversion contrary ..." only for US logins
* ss5 (added) // The name of the Prepared by: person should be “editable” (also do it for MAWB)
== RFC and On Hold ==
* [ss1] Group generate case. Add to Accounting Info Box this: "ITN:" + ExpTab.Export Customs Information. Also add "++" if more than one CT is in the group.
* [ss2] Group generate case. Add to Accounting Info Box this: list all CT numbers that were selected for a group.

Current revision as of 19:31, 5 June 2010

This is original old spec. Content has been hidden. To view - see history.

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